I'd love to hear you if they ever announced that K Rool dude and maybe Dixie, you'd be all over that shit, so don't go telling me 4 for a series whose most recent game sold more than double(worldwide overall and each's U.S. figures) what Tropical freeze sold is pushing it. Fire Emblem is seriously popular now, and has a monstrous backlog of characters, it makes perfect sense the amount of characters that are in.
Would it be neat to see more characters from series like Metroid and F-Zero? Of course it would be, but like it's been debated many times before, aside from Ridley who's a debatable inclusion imo (mainly I just don't like his design, but that's kind of(okay not kind of, definitely) a very opinionated argument), Metroid really doesn't have many other memorable people deserving of a character slot, and F-Zero just doesn't really have anyone else you could justify a character slot for honestly. Instead, slots that could be wasted like those (sorry Ridley fans, I wouldn't like it if he got in, but I wouldn't really complain either

) they're being given to fucking awesome characters like Megaman and Pacman. Also let's not forget Kid Icarus got another character (Palutena)which is absolutely fantastic!
And then Wii Fit Trainer ought to be pretty interesting actually, I look forward to trying her out.
I just don't get why people get so caught up in how many a series has, when really the numbers make sense. Mario has a butt ton of characters because he's the face of Nintendo, Zelda has a good amount because Zelda is the bees knees of gaming, Pokemon has a butt ton because how can you not have a lot of Pokemon, there's so fucking many of them! And after that, at this moment, this moment in time, Fire Emblem is probably not far down, or even next up in the list of popularity right now, Awakening broke down the dam that had been cracking apart over the years from fantastic game after fantastic game, and now Fire Emblem's finally getting the attention it deserves.
And they're still not done with new characters to the best of our knowledge right? So instead of complaining that a series has a good number of reps, remain hopeful you'll see more for your favorite series which has gotten more popular again over the past couple of years, because in the end, they're all under the Nintendo Umbrella, and Nintendo churns out great characters period.
Also plzzzz Shulk, Bayonetta, and Travis Touchdown.
Actually how cool would a Splatoon character be? You could replace the probable absence of Snake with ya new kickbutt IP and get em a bunch of exposure before their game even comes out.