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(02-16-2015, 01:24 AM)Iceman404 Wrote: [ -> ]No one is gonna get that one. Smug
(02-16-2015, 01:30 PM)Iceman404 Wrote: [ -> ]

This is both the most amazing and most hilarious thing I've seen in a team match
hey TSR, I tied for 7th in a 75 person Smash WiiU Tournament!

Mainly used Yoshi, with a pocket Luigi for Diddys, and my main man Little Mac as a trump card.

it was fun!!!!!
Sweet, was it anything major that'll be posted on YouTube?
while our Smash Community does have Twitch and we did stream matches, none of mine were recorded. Unfortunate, because the match for top 8 was ridiculously hype.

real talk I managed to get my KO Punch off on this ridiculously good Yoshi Main as he was recovering. That's how the match ended. My jaw was on the fucking floor.
@ Ark Kuvis wow thats really cool dude congrats at getting that far.

also about Rayman i still have hope he'll be DLC especially from this quote here

now why would Ubisoft go through all the trouble of doing a 3D model just for a trophy.
Capcom made all new models for Dr. Wily, Dr. Light, Bass and more... and they were all just trophies.
Yes, but Megaman getting trophies to show off important characters in the series makes sense. It has content in the game. But why would Ubisoft do it for 1 random Rayman trophy?

Also, why would they send a 2d sketch? What was planned for Ubisoft's resources?
@ soulcaliburfan there are actually three rayman trophies in smash Rayman Globox and Barbra

which is even more suspicious.
No one considers Ubisoft only provided their trophies because they wanted to represent themselves and not have Nintendo's take on their characters.

Its goooooootta be some sort of DLC conspiracy to you guys doesn't it. The dream is dead man, come on. :V
It's highly unlikely that Nintendo would include Rayman content at all, whether Ubisoft wants them to or not.

Unless Rayman was going to be included at some point.
Or maybe the decision to include them was part of some sort of part of Rayman Legends' previous Wii U exclusivity that they then screwed with.

Not everything has to be a sign.
My gut is sticking with a possible Snake-for-Melee situation.

Not everything has to be a sign, but the number of "signs" for me makes it hard to ignore. There's a reason Omni chose Rayman and why his fake leak was so god damn convincing other than visually. I'm not saying "Rayman confirmed", heck I find it very unlikely... but less unlikely than anyone else.
(02-19-2015, 05:54 PM)TomGuycott Wrote: [ -> ]Or maybe the decision to include them was part of some sort of part of Rayman Legends' previous Wii U exclusivity that they then screwed with.

Not everything has to be a sign.

It's more likely it has to do with Nintendo publishing Rayman Legends in Japan, but then why wouldn't other Nintendo-published third-parties have such excellent series representation?

No, the Rayman trophies are too weird to ignore. I don't know if they really point to DLC or if the decision not to include the character happened later in development, or if they just ran out of time. I definitely think some interesting conversations were had between Nintendo and Ubisoft, at the very least.