Sounds like you were playing against a dick. What was his play style like?
(04-11-2015, 02:58 PM)Gwen Wrote: [ -> ]Sounds like you were playing against a dick. What was his play style like?
I don't know. I did good against his Ike. It was when he was using projectile characters when he started to get obnoxious. Samus, ZSS and Lucario. Odd thing is that he failed Countering as Ike, but successfully activated (but not landed) Double Team as Lucario. He liked to juggle me with charged shots, some of which I managed to reflect with Dr. Mario, but it didn't really matter, because shield. Basically spamming projectiles when I was at a distance. As Ike, he liked using the side-B for that instead, like a total moron.
At least he didn't cheese for the timer.
I used Yoshi the first couple of rounds and Dr. Mario the rest. I'm no pro at this, but neither do I suck. I had good fun winning and losing against the guy from yesterday, but I just had to ragequit from this guy.
Oh, and he called himself "Fucmedaddy" at one point. Don't know if that's a factor.
His naming seems to me like he's just being a troll, and his spamming of projectiles seems to me like being a dick too.
Its a troll, blatantly obvious one
For Glory is pretty terrible from experience where every fault of Smash 4 is put on display and magnified to 11' from stuff such as general lag and the only pick being a silly stage where projectile spam is completely unavoidable. I never play it anymore, friends rooms and locals are the way to go!
Yeah, I haven't played really played Online until recently, so I wasn't sure if it was that or that I suddenly lost my sportsmanship overnight. I avoided Online before, because the mere idea of lag turned me off.
Play only in 3P or higher friend's rooms if your using online. As weird as it sounds, the game chooses a middleman connection when using three people that makes it end up running a lot smoother most of the time than just two.
Now that I think about it, releasing Abe Lincoln as DLC along side that Proto Man Mii costume would be perfect.
Nah, what it needs is bitchin' Pharaoh Man dlc
I picked up Sm4sh for the first time in a while today, and Jesus
Christ I forgot how atrocious the menu is in this game (both versions), at least compared to the previous games. I'm actually surprised this hasn't been brought up yet here from what I've noticed.
To lazily copy my gripes from another forum:
- It's poorly organized (why does fucking Smash Tour/Smash Run get front billing on the menu, yet regular Solo/Group modes are classified under "Games and More"?). For another example, "Options" is in "Games and More" when it arguably deserves front billing, and it's tucked away in the corner as the smallest icons in "Games and More", at least in the 3DS version.
- Specifically concerning the organizational issue, there's like a layer or two too many of menus...
- ...and part of the issue is because many of the icons are unnecessarily huge and/or weirdly shaped and placed, not leaving sufficient room in some menus where Nintendo really could've otherwise stuffed further options. I can maybe see why this was done for the 3DS version considering the 3DS top screen only has a resolution of 400x240, but the WiiU version can do 720p and 1080p. I find it inexcusable since Melee and Brawl had their shit sorted out even though they run at 480p. Basically, it seems as if they tried to make the menu "simple" and "sleek", but went way too hardcore in doing so.
- Why why why why does the game need loading times for the rules for Smash (i.e. multiplayer) mode? That stuff popped up instantly in Melee and Brawl.
- These are the fourth and fifth Smash Bros games; why the hell have we still not yet gotten the option to save settings for Smash mode?
- This isn't exactly a menu issue so much as it is a lack of a menu, but who the hell decided to not present a menu after failure of an Event match, especially since (IIRC) they were present in Brawl? It's so tedious to wait for the game to load back to the Event menu, confirm that I want to try again, and wait for the Event to load again, all because I fucked up and lost.
- No Gamepad touch support for the menu on the WiiU version, other than the title screen. Even if you'd argue that it might be inconvenient due to possible accidental contact, the option would be nice.
- Oh and you can't dick with the menu camera with the C-stick anymore. Booooooo. This, among many other indicative reasons, is why part of me feels as if Smash 4 has no soul. (This is just a cherry-on-top sort of deal, mind you, not a major reason.)
I do feel the menu is a little weird, but I don't think that's a letdown - it's just different...
(the Metro style is ruining everything. Everything)
Is anybody else getting a bit frustrated about how old replays are destroyed after each update. I really love it when they add new content or patches to the game, but I find it annoying how my replays are constantly being killed. I understand that there is no way for them to preserve the old replays, but it's still frustrating.
where's my mewtwo where's my mewtwo where's my mewtwo
do not make me wait for the West Coast to catch up, Nintendo
where's my mewtwo
It's my birthday and I want my psychic alien cat
NOW, Masahorsepower Sukapon.
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