The Smash fan base will cling to a rumor over the drop of a hat despite being fooled over and over, to the point that they go out of their way to oust and discredit people showing factual information about the series.
In fact, the genuine Brawl, Smash 4 vanilla and Smash 4 DLC leaks have ALL been denied as real, and yet people will still fall for stuff that's even harder to believe.
Also, I have no idea what Sean has been up to, I'm too lazy to even check.
Hey guys, who did you voted for the smash ballot? i chose sceptile.
I voted for Chorus Kids but I doubt they won
Gotta get them Genies some representation with Shantae.
Still went with King K. Rool even though they skinned him.
bandana dee all the wayyyyy
I voted for Knuckles although I doubt that he'll appear in the game at all... Ever. *sigh*
(10-16-2015, 12:36 AM)BlueBlur97 Wrote: [ -> ]I voted for Knuckles although I doubt that he'll appear in the game at all... Ever. *sigh*
i think project m will help you there

so um
cloud's in smash bros
really really. we did it. smash flash 2 is canon
Welp, I'm underwhelmed.
Obligatory where the fuck is K.Rool post
whelp crud a game character that never appeared on a nintendo console is in smash, whelp i never played a single final fantasy before, guess it's time to play FF 7
Hopes for FFI class based alt.
Based on the sprites of course, not the art later used for Dissidia.
(11-12-2015, 06:04 PM)senjen Wrote: [ -> ]whelp crud a game character that never appeared on a nintendo console is in smash
He had two cameos, I think. One was in GBA Kingdom hearts.
I don't think he fits.