Xbox Live: SmegmaPrincessX
Nintendo I
Yay names!
3ds Evil-Fiendcode: 1676-4164-4037
Add me if you want to fight me in Smash Bros(when it comes out) or if you want to beat up my Magikarp in Pokémon. Yes, I have a Magikarp on my team.
My 3DS friend code : 2981-7412-2768
Needing Fire Emblem Awakening teams to grind into a pulp, people to smash, and people to kill me in Pokemon.
My gaming network IDs as of October 2014:
Steam & Desura: LauriAJ
LauriJ LauriJ#2386
Feel free to contact me in any of these networks.
1220 - 6913 - 5744
WiiU/Nintendo I
XBN: AceNoFace
Steam: KingsCorners
3DS: 2509-2102-3820
Nintendo Network I
Nintendo Network I
3DS Friend Code: 5327-1330-4799
Thought I should post these. Add me so we can be close friends. Or we can play games, whatever comes first.
Oh hey, somewhere to post my codes, I'll have to find out my 3ds friend code again, but here's my other IDs in one nice place.
Xbox Live: SmegmaPrincessX
Nintendo Network I
3DS: 3480-2679-9569
Steam: flannel_bastard
updated my post so that it contains my 3ds friend code. pm me if you added me!
also, is a mod going to update the first post, because its a bit outdated atm
I've updated the OP with all the new ID entries so far.
oh this is easy
Nintendo Network I
Steam: kosheh
League of Legends: Kosheh (North America server)
like seriously
really? lol
I'll have my 3DS FC up eventually but idgaf atm
3DS: 1779 - 0805 - 7470
I've got both Smash Bros games, if you're looking for some competition hit me up.
Just PM me if you happen to add me so I can return the favor.
Xbox: Goemar
PSN: Goemar
3DS: 3797 - 9066 - 9228
Currently playing a lot of Monster Hunter 4
3ds: 2707-1601-7622
Steam: Diogalesu
May or may not update this with my PSN in the future. On another note got both smash games, mario kart 7, highrule waifus, team fartress 2, and pokemon.