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"Ah Ah Ah"

Sinceramente, eu já não sei o que eu vou fazer
Meu mundo, um turbilhão, só gira em torno de você...
Sua silhueta, já gravada, revelada no olhar
Como um gatilho, a fagulha atiça: quero te encontrar

A vida não faz sentido sem você
(Labirintos sem fim, sem pistas pra seguir)
Quero descobrir o teu segredo;
A vida não faz sentido sem você
(Labirintos sem fim, sem pistas pra seguir)
Quero descobrir o teu segredo;
Eu já não posso mais viver!

Sem sua boca Ah, Ah, Ah
O seu corpo Ah Ah Ah Ah...

Sua presença reluz, iluminando meu ser
Acordo só pra ver você

E seus olhos Ah, Ah, Ah
Seus cabelos Ah Ah Ah Ah...

O meu aconchego, minha proteção, Ah Ah Ah Ah...

Sincerely, I don't know what to do anymore
My world, a vortex, spinning only around you...
Your silhouette, already saved and burned into my gaze
Like a trigger, an urge comes: I want to find you

Life has no sense without you
(Endless labyrinths, no clues to follow)
I want to discover your secret
Life has no sense without you
(Endless labyrinths, no clues to follow)
I want to discover your secret
I can't live anymore!

Without your lips Ah, Ah, Ah
Your body Ah Ah Ah Ah...

Your presence shines, brightening me wholly
I wake up just to see you

And your eyes Ah, Ah, Ah
Your hair Ah Ah Ah Ah...

You're my comfort, my protection, Ah Ah Ah Ah...
ohoho, this is rad, Gors

just made a soundcloud! decided to cover one of my favorite songs!

i doodled a song
come on guys, let's music more!
I plan to take another crack at music soon. I might try Gameboy as well, I want to make covers of some songs in that style. I'm thinking of using Deflemask, although I'd like to hear recommendations for other trackers that support Gameboy.
so far I only know of Deflemask as a tracker that superts GB. However I find it limiting and with a worse user interface than Famitracker. It's better than using LSDJ, though, in terms of intuitiveness - Deflemask is the closest to the "GB Famitracker" you can get.

will post full thing on soundcloud/youtube when i finish

(yes its link awakening Smile )
/\ great work! I like the work you've put into the original track.

I've heard you all enjoy Xenoblade, is that true?
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