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Full Version: [MUSIC] Composer's Alley - Music Thread
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This is the song from the chapter, "Dark Pit," not Dark Pit's theme.
It's still super impressive, though! Nice work.
it's the best one though, can't deny that. I've noticed the error when I finished uploading the video and crossposting it everywhere. And since it was 3 AM I said 'fuck it' and left it at that.

Original composition by Gors

Thought I'd play around with FL Studio.

Feat: Mighty Jetters as Voice Actress

Original song I made on Famitracker [VRC6]. Any feedback is highly appretiated
A little of what I have.

Three tracks for this one:

Hello everyone

Long time lurker, first time poster here. I'm looking for some feedback/critique on this experiment with ambient music that I made a few days ago. Can you guess what game this was inspired from?

(03-10-2015, 12:55 AM)Boots Wrote: [ -> ]Can you guess what game this was inspired from?

Ooh! me!! me!!!!!

It's based on that game with the guy!!! whats his name
and he shoots sword beams to kill goblins!!
(03-10-2015, 12:55 AM)Boots Wrote: [ -> ]Hello everyone

Long time lurker, first time poster here. I'm looking for some feedback/critique on this experiment with ambient music that I made a few days ago. Can you guess what game this was inspired from?

I'm going to guess Fez because it has a very similar feel to it.

I like how chill this song is, very nice.
Whoa, me posting here? You guys would've never expected that. But I've been trying to learn trackers for a month or two now.
A 2/3 cover of Smash Mouth - All Star, using of all things the ZX Spectrum beeper...using a tracker called Beepola. Beepy.

EDIT: merp, still kinda bad but eh
Hello I'm back again and I bring more music. Yeah that last track was heavily inspired by Disasterpiece and his work on Fez. This time around, I decided to do something purely original and way more melodic. Feedback is appreciated as always!

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