Shovel Knight and Metal Slug 3 (both on PS4). Thank god they stopped with that NeoGeo Station crap and Metal Slug 3 has easy to use menus and settings. Not to mention blood is red by default (and leaves the game in English). Basically a much nicer port than what 1 and 2 got.
-I recently finished Five Nights at F***boy's 1-3 (FNAF parody RPGs)
-Awesomenauts. I'm so mad that I was below rank 700 after a strong victory streak only to lose it by getting into a series of awful games (I'm about 1100 now...)
-Mario Party Island Tour (No reason why...)
-Codename S.T.E.A.M.
-Don't Starve/Don't Starve Together
- Super Smash Bros Wii U & 3DS
I downloaded Project Spark last night just to try it out because I'm interested in the episodic Conker game...
...and I'm not quite sure what's going on... and there's so many things to buy...
Was playing Sonic 2 Beta these few days. I fould the Master emerald in Hidden Palace Zone!

Puzzle & Dragons Z, I didn't think I'd love it as much as I do.
I was currently going for 100% on Neptunia U.
What's this? The voice of Dr. Venture is the voice of Randolph Carter in Code Name S.T.E.A.M.! This keeps getting crazier!
TF2 runs super smoothly on this pc
so uh
Well damn. I'm officially hooked on to Pokemon Emerald. I never thought Pokemon games were really this good. I always thought the games as childish for as long as I can remember. Well I was wrong!
The best RPG I've played ever since Final Fantasy 3 for NDS.
Still haven't gotten all of the attacks in Xenoverse. Gotten all the ultimate attacks though, which is nice.
Is it bad I can't put down Pokémon Rumble World?
Been putting games like Saints Row (on my XX playthrough... lost count) and Xenoverse behind while most of my free time on Rumble World..
Nothing, at this exact moment. Finished up SpongeBob: Supersponge GBA today and was originally going to do Super Mario RPG, but I think I'd rather take my time playing through that. So that's on my to-play list, though most likely not something I'll be uploading. I will, however, probably begin uploading Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door soon though.
Really getting into Heroes of the Storm, it's the first MOBA I actually seem to enjoy (although I've only ever tried Dota 2 other than this). Recently played my first game with other people, and we won

So much more fun than bot matches.
Trying to completely finish Super Meat Boy, right now I'm struggling to get A+ on the last light world Cotton Alley level, before I go on to try the hell that will be dark world Cotton Alley.
I've also been playing a bit of Dustforce. It might just be me but the controls seem a bit sloppy, not quite as tight as Super Meat Boy, which I find a bit frustrating given that if you make one mistake you'll probably need to redo the whole level (if you want double S rank, at least).
Also started Splice and finished the Origin part. Epilogue is way harder but I really like the game, it's quite a simple idea but the puzzles are still enjoyable to solve. And the aesthetics are great, the music is particularly brilliant.
Got all the achievements in Xenoverse. Still got like 3 moves to get from dlc and one evasive which don't count for achievements but can't complain otherwise.
(06-08-2015, 03:47 AM)puggsoy Wrote: [ -> ](although I've only ever tried Dota 2 other than this).
Hey you're forgetting something *eyes shift to avatar, signature, then back to puggsoy* >:{