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I just downloaded Shovel Knight! I only played through the first level, but so far it seems pretty awesome. I hope I can beat it before the Smash Bros eshop demo comes out!
Started Ibb and Obb with a friend. Good game so far, it's kind of like a 2D, cutesy Portal, except you don't make the portals, and these portals reverse the gravity.
Oh, I forgot I had that. PSN has been giving me so many free games I'm losing track of them. I should try to get my girlfriend to play it with me.
You should, it's really fun.
Beat Hyrule Warriors main Campaign Today now i'm going through it on hard/hero mode Smile
Bayonetta 2.

Yes, yes, I know, I said I was going to wait for my friend before I started it, but she told me that she would be fine with me playing it first. (Once she returns, I'm going to start a new file for her)

I'm currently on Chapter 7 right now, and I am loving every minute of it. However, I can't help but feel that it's a little...easier...than the first? I've only died about twice, and I've been able to complete every Musphelheim mission with ease. (Just to let you know, I am playing on Normal difficulty)
I'm balancing 2 games right now: Senran Kagura: Shinovi Versus and Shantae and the Pirate's curse. I would've gotten Bayonetta 2 if I had a Wii U, but alas. I'm quite envious of you, Mystie.

This month has been pretty good for female protagonists, if you ask me.
Started Anomaly Warzone Earth, finally. It's really really fun, I'm only on the third mission but it already lives up to my expectations. Definitely worth getting it outside of a Humble Bundle Tongue

Also been able to play Hearthstone again. Saving up for the last Naxxramas wing.

I also just finished playing dwim. It's a small, prototype-y game made by hcs (who made vgmstream, the crux of conversion for VGSC). It's a very interesting little game, not very long, but one that I think could and should be expanded to a "full" version. In any case I highly recommend trying it out, it's quite playable and I personally enjoyed it a lot.
Just finished Bayonetta 2. What an excellent ride. Despite the fact that it was easier than its predecessor (at least on Normal), it was even better than Bayonetta 1 AND The Wonderful 101 COMBINED. Now I'm off to try out the Tag Climax mode!

Spoiler:I have so many feels though, especially involving Rosa and Balder... Sad  Spoiler:Next time I play Bayonetta 1, I'm going to feel really bad for Balder the whole time.
Beat Bayonetta 1 again yesterday to refresh my memory, started the second one yesterday, really like the fact they added more water and let you explore through it as well. However i prefer bayonetta with longer hair, her short hair kinda bugs me, other than that the game is awesome so far.
Been playing Civilization Beyond Earth in my free time since I had it pre-ordered with an hour to spare. lol
Just beat Bayonetta 2 today absolutely loved it, now to just beat the extra levels, also Bayonetta for smash bros!

That's all I've been playing for the past two weeks. Any chance I've had, I turned my 3DS on, dove straight into the battlefield and, figuratively speaking, "made no prisoners". Oh, and nearly bankrupted myself to oblivion with those trophies, 'cause you know how it is.

Maybe I'll throw something together for an "impressions comic" of sorts. Depends if I can get my lazy keister off hibernation season.

Also, that whole "No items. Fox only. Final Destination." mentality? Still stupid.
A demo for a brand new NES game called Lizard was released yesterday! I've been obsessively playing and mapping it out since. Some screenies, if anyone's interested:

[Image: screenbar.png]
new NES game? That's not something ya hear every day.