Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat the hell is going on I didn't know you were back!!!! Dude it's so awesome to see you ripping stuff again, amazing as always.
I really want to get back into it myself but my time is just monopolized by so many other things nowadays. I try and help out others when I can but I haven't submitted anything myself for a good while. This is definitely inspiring me though and I might find the motivation to set aside some specific hours to do at least a little bit of ripping each week.
Elite Beat Agents (DS)
Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands (DS)
Haha yep! You guys can't get rid of me that easily

Good to see ya!!!
I've found a little bit of a break in my schedule to fit a few rips in every so often, especially now that I have a working laptop again. I'd love to see some more puggsoy rips if you find the time!
Punch-Out!! (Wii)
Is it too late to bump this thread?

Holy crap. The legend returns.

Mario Sports Mix (Wii)
Mortal Kombat: Armageddon (Wii)
This site has always been on my mind, just been looking for the time to come back in some form or another!

I'm still super busy with things and I imagine it'll mostly just be popping in randomly with sheets to submit, but it's good to see some familiar faces!
Imagine: Ballet Star (DS)
Just another one of those random Imagine games for the DS. Was honestly surprised to see that the sprites in this game aren't half bad.
Imagine: Ballet Star (DS)
Mr. Driller: Drill Land (Gamecube)
Just a few more before I have to get a good chunk of studying done in the next few weeks.
Elite Beat Agents (DS)
Maestro! Jump in Music (DS)
Zettai Onkan Otoda Master (DS)
Better late than never, I suppose.

Imagine: Ballet Star (DS)
A few miscellaneous sheets and updated some old ones thanks to Ballet Star TV on YouTube for pointing out various regional differences with the Japanese version of the game!
Kousoku Card Battle: Card Hero (DS)
And thanks!

Always enjoy hearing that people appreciate the effort.
You're here! Amazing stuff!
Imagine: Ballet Star (DS)
Nodame Cantabile (DS)
Thanks, Ton!! Good to see you're still around!
Imagine: Ballet Star (DS)
And with that, I am officially calling it on ripping this game. There are a few other minigames, but I've hit my limit on this one.
Otogi-Jūshi Akazukin (JPN) (DS)
Nice rips, just a small thing: Ibarahime's sheet & icon don't fit together.