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I'm still keeping up with whatever happens to be on Toonami
I feel like all the stress in my real life and the amount of arguments I seem to get on here lately is draining me of any energy or motivation to truly enjoy anything, though...
I'm still thinking of maybe looking into some of the stuff I was recommended or want to catch-up on what I missed, maybe... Anyone have any recommendations of their own? Just curious.
(05-28-2016, 11:53 PM)DarkGrievous7145 Wrote: [ -> ]I'm still keeping up with whatever happens to be on Toonami
I feel like all the stress in my real life and the amount of arguments I seem to get on here lately is draining me of any energy or motivation to truly enjoy anything, though...
I'm still thinking of maybe looking into some of the stuff I was recommended or want to catch-up on what I missed, maybe... Anyone have any recommendations of their own? Just curious.
i could give less of a shit about what you enjoy watching. you shouldn't need to let other people influence your decisions or motivation. if you watch an anime that someone else doesn't like, then it and enjoy cuz
you like it!

same with everything else in life~
i've been watching too many western cartoons to catch up on anime, quite surprisingly. I'm generally an anime person, but i think watching the Chipmunk Adventure opened my eyes to western animation.
Fair enough
I don't mind suggestions, though
Chipmunk Adventure is a pretty good movie.
I bought it for my mom once, but she never seems to watch it.
Been watching Re:Zero every week, I thought it might've slowed down by now, but every episode I've seen has got me dying to see the next.
If you're on the fence about it, just give it a go.
I don't watch alot of anime, occasionally an episode of Gintama but that's it.
My alltime favorites has to be:
- Serial Experiments: Lain
- Cowboy Bebop
- Ghost in the shell (And the new movies)
- Kara no Kyokai
- Barakamon
channeling my inner weeb furry with show by rock
I started reading The Silent Voice and oh my god I need book 7 right fucking now.
It's really good and it's gripped me.
I've also started reading Watamote, its also good and the main character reminds me a lot of me if I was more perverted and was actually a woman. She even plays Pop'n Music which was a ridiculously awesome thing to find out.
when i lived in the UK during the mid-2000s, there was a channel on TV that had the 2003 anime Astro Boy. It played pretty often during the day.
Unfortunately, i had no interest in anime, nor did i know what it even was, so I didn't watch it. Maybe *one* episode at most. Or even just a glimpse. all I could ever think about was Sonic and Dragon Ball (this is a common sign of over-attachment and stubbornness seen in kids with Autistic Spectrum Disorder, like me).
I look back at that and cringe, of course ;-;. I get so mad at my child self sometimes! lol But really, now that I look back, there were more than enough opportunities for me to step into the world of anime and I just dismissed it for a fucking blue hedgehog. shiet
PS: would anyone happen to know if that Astro Boy anime is any worth checking out? I can't remember for the life of me.
I just remembered that they're coming out with more OAV episodes for Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki, so I decided to binge-watch to catch up a bit.
I was watching Digimon with my little brother. (Apparently, its on Netflix.) and they were raiding a hospital, looking for medicine because one of them was going to die from heat stroke. They gave her "aspirin" with the bottle saying element 22 on it. They gave this dying 6 year old Titanium pellets while trying to hide from T-Rex Megatron.
I watch mostly YGO animes, some of Rumiko's works (mostly Urusei Yatsura and Inuyasha), Gintama, Jojo's bizzare adventures, i barely watch naruto, because of spoilers on Facebook.
i checked out a couple episodes of cory in the house.
eh it wasnt really my thing.
I also watched the first 20 episodes of hunter x hunter with some friends. I didnt really enjoy it as much as they did.
I kinda want to show them jojo, but i'm not sure if they'll enjoy it as much as me and my friend did.
Death Note is getting intense!!! I want to continue watching but I'm super busy with school stuff and should probably wait a bit
Last episode I saw is the one where Light got his memory back and Misa made the eye deal a second time with Ryuk so that she can kill L.
(08-09-2016, 02:55 PM)Red Haired Bastard Wrote: [ -> ]I also watched the first 20 episodes of hunter x hunter with some friends. I didnt really enjoy it as much as they did.
Definitely keep watching if it held your interest at all. The earlier HxH episodes are arguably the weakest.
They recommended me to watch HXH 2011, is it any good? :o
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