(02-25-2016, 11:32 PM)josh98 Wrote: [ -> ]While waiting for new rips, here's that picture of Merlina used at the beginning of the Dark Hollow battle because that's definitely no model I see.
It is a shame that there are no models for merlina, her dark queen form shown above [not the boss form], and shara from sonic in the secret rings, really wish that somebody could find the creators of the game and see if we could get those models or if someone could create new ones based off of what we saw in the games.
I added Sir Galahad to the playable characters section of SatBK. Now we just need someone to edit the Sonic Generations model to make a high poly one...
Fun fact, for the Galahad preview and icon images I used the render setup I used for my DeviantART renders. So it looks much better than the other icons for a reason.
Update: I added the Big model that appears in select stages to the first post under "Other" under the SatSR section. I found the Sinbad model, it's a shame it's not rigged or t-posed. I may still post it for those interested, though.
I wish I knew where I could get models of the robots from 06, honestly. Just an Idea I'll throw out I guess.
I've been trying to find an ISO of Sonic 06 for some time now. If anyone would be so kind as to help me out with that, then I'll get to ripping that game, too.
Also, here's a teaser: MASSIVE update coming tomorrow! (Sorry for using commas so much in that reply. Goodness.)
I happen to have all the 06 models on hand if you were wondering
(03-01-2016, 05:38 PM)Turbo Thunderbolt Wrote: [ -> ]I happen to have all the 06 models on hand if you were wondering
Then why not submit them?

If you could help me out on that Turbo, that'd be great!
Okay, so my first post reached it's image limit, so updates are now on the third post and I added a huge update for Sonic and the Black Knight models! I added Amy, Blaze, Knuckles, both Dragon Bosses, Shadow, Silver, Sir Gawain, Sir Lancelot, Sir Percival, and all 11 of Gawain, Percival, and Lancelot's additional swords! Enjoy

(03-01-2016, 10:58 PM)Carpaccio Wrote: [ -> ] (03-01-2016, 05:38 PM)Turbo Thunderbolt Wrote: [ -> ]I happen to have all the 06 models on hand if you were wondering
Then why not submit them? 
I plan on it xD
Just all of the models (minus the human characters) use normal maps that are considered Object space (Rainbow-y looking texture) and not Tangent space (Blueish purple texture) at the moment I only have a couple models with proper normal maps
which is to say these guys
![[Image: yjEpPwA.png]](http://i.imgur.com/yjEpPwA.png)
The last one is part of a normal map conversion tutorial thing I made to demonstrate how to convert the normals though.
which is this thing
Could you make a more detailed tutorial on how to convert normalmap spaces that might, say, use Blender only? I'd love to find a way to convert the Pokémon Gen-6 normals to Tangent, but your tutorial is, well, rather abbreviated and assumes a lot of prior knowledge.
For example, do you need to actually weld all the vertices together on the underlying mesh to that it's all smoothed? Do you have to know exactly where the original model has its hard edges? none of this is covered in that, and I'd kinda like to know.
I could probably do that yes. It'll take a bit longer to write though as I have to go through the process I use in it's entirety. Which is the tools I used in blender and the tools I used to convert the normals. and yes I believe I wrote that tutorial with the assumption that at least SOME knowledge of how blender and Source engine handles normal maps. as for the hard edges, it's usually easy to see on the normal map where the hard edge would be and sometimes the imported model in 3ds max has all of the hard edges defined since it doesn't merge those vertices until after exporting said model as an smd file.
Hey Turbo, while you're here, I have a question I've always wondered about Sonic 06 models. On the main TMR Sonic 06 page, most of the textures for player models are close to colorless. But if you look at your Eggman or RatchetMario's rips, the colors look fine. Do you have a method of fixing the texture color, or is it model specific?
I think it uses some weird texture map with the "dark" fur seen on TTR page, Which is basically a copy of Sonic's normal texture which is oddly pale for some reason to nearly a Werehog-shade of Dark Blue which I think is layed over the model as a shader giving it some sort of more natural coloring? Just my guess though.
(03-03-2016, 02:48 PM)josh98 Wrote: [ -> ]Hey Turbo, while you're here, I have a question I've always wondered about Sonic 06 models. On the main TMR Sonic 06 page, most of the textures for player models are close to colorless. But if you look at your Eggman or RatchetMario's rips, the colors look fine. Do you have a method of fixing the texture color, or is it model specific?
It's called Photoshop, unfortunately the color of the character's models are apparently handled by shaders in Sonic 06 that are impossible to recreate in other programs, (I've tried) the easiest method is to take a screenshot or model that has proper coloring to it and go over the texture in photoshop to make it the right colors. All I can say is that it was an odd design decision by Sonic Team to make their materials this way
What should I rip next? Besides Sonic 06 models; I got the ISO for it and attempted to rip something, but after seeing Turbo and RatchetMario's submissions I don't think mine will have the same quality. As in, I can't do what they are doing with the textures, what is this magic! I'll leave that to them.
Any ideas?