@$!&%)^ *
Q*bert Rebooted:
* New topic, new content.
My Q*Bertese is a little rusty...
Thank you so much, RTB!

Oh, I also forgot to mention that I've also added some MaxScripts that I've worked on and released to the first post, for Kamen Rider: Battride War (and Battride War II, same model format), the one Sonic script update that ItsEasyActually started, and some pre-emptive ones for Telltale Games' The Walking Dead Seasons 1 and 2 which are currently branched off from my all-in-one script which I'm currently optimizing. I'll make some informative webpages for 'em later, but for now my original posts for those are linked to.
I assume you never added support for .GNO level geometry? The vertices are there but no polygons. (also takes a long time to import)
(07-18-2014, 05:41 PM)TGE Wrote: [ -> ]I assume you never added support for .GNO level geometry? The vertices are there but no polygons. (also takes a long time to import)
I'll have to get back to that later. I couldn't figure it out the last time I checked, but I might be able to update it with the missing information sometime in the next few weeks.
I ripped these about a week ago and forgot all about 'em. I hate getting caught up in various different things all at once.
Poker Night 2:
Q*Bert Rebooted:
I also fixed up a buncha things with my Telltale Games model-importing script, should work better than it used to now.
So I've tried importing STH2006 models, the mesh is imported, it has correct UV-mapping and normals, however the texture didn't apply, I had to find the correct texture and apply them manually, is there going to have a fix soon?
(08-25-2014, 10:40 PM)brianuuu Wrote: [ -> ]So I've tried importing STH2006 models, the mesh is imported, it has correct UV-mapping and normals, however the texture didn't apply, I had to find the correct texture and apply them manually, is there going to have a fix soon?
I'll be working on adding automatic material importing next month.
(08-26-2014, 11:06 AM)Random Talking Bush Wrote: [ -> ] (08-25-2014, 10:40 PM)brianuuu Wrote: [ -> ]So I've tried importing STH2006 models, the mesh is imported, it has correct UV-mapping and normals, however the texture didn't apply, I had to find the correct texture and apply them manually, is there going to have a fix soon?
I'll be working on adding automatic material importing next month.
thanks, that's good to hear
What time was it, again?
Adventure Time: Card Wars
I'll just leave this here. Consider it a proof-of-concept of what's to come!
Pokémon X/Y
Excellent! Can't wait to see more!
(BTW, I didn't know the textures in X/Y were this big. I always assumed they were extremely tiny, as the textures look really stretched and pixelly in-game)
Okay. That just wins it.
Are you able to access any model file within the 6th-gen games? If so, it sounds like you've hit the jackpot.