I know it's pillowed, but it's kinda hard to find a decent lightsource in Animal Crossing, so I didn't have a reference or anything.
If anyone wants to spruce this up a lot, go ahead. I'm not asking for credit, permission, and I'm certainly not preventing editing. Just don't claim it as mine. That sounded akward, but...
Also, I'm not gonna work on this any longer, because honestly, I don't really need it and only made it cause I was bored. This does not mean I'm not taking any C+C, I just won't be using it on this sprite.
(10-12-2008, 07:54 PM)Shroob2 Wrote: [ -> ]I know it's pillowed, but it's kinda hard to find a decent lightsource in Animal Crossing, so I didn't have a reference or anything.
Try aiming the light at the top-right corner. PS you over shaded it as well.
(10-12-2008, 07:54 PM)Shroob2 Wrote: [ -> ]Also, I'm not gonna work on this any longer, because honestly, I don't really need it and only made it cause I was bored. This does not mean I'm not taking any C+C, I just won't be using it on this sprite.
I shouldn't be one to talk but being bored is a pretty bad excuse. But seriously don't give up, it ight become something good if you try a little more with the light.
If you can't figure out the lightsource, create your own

Also, a bit of hue shift won't hurt.
Also I agree with Chdonga. You should work on it more

Animal Crossing is a real time game so theirs alot of diffrent light sources he could use.
If i was making this i'd just make six diffrent house shades for the times of day and night (morning, morning turning into afternoone afternoone, afternoone turning into night, night, and night turning into morning).
Well the door is overshaded, and gradiented. Try making it more of a wood look, and some parts are jagged, and need to be shaded correctly. The colors need more contrast, and the roof is too jagged.