i made this in a program called asesprite. What do you think? (feel free to say it's crap, I was in a pretty vivacious mood when I made it.)
I'm assuming it's a robot. Is the cape behind him? or is it like a see through cloak? The colors on the shoulder pads are really light so differentiating them is rather hard. And the shading could use some work over all. Finally not sure what the thing way in the back is.
It's supposed to be
Hey, great to see some other ASEprite users around here! ASEprite doesn't get nearly as mush love as GraphicsGale does and to be frank, it's a lot more intuitive.
Ah, as a starting point for your Yaridovich, why not add a few more natural-looking lines? As it is, your sprite looks a little static since there are so many flat lines and right angles. For example, Yaridovich has a rounded pelvis, skull-shaped head and he holds his spear at a slightly tilted angle.
(08-14-2014, 09:23 PM)Deathbringer Wrote: [ -> ]It's supposed to be this.
Ah I see, (guess i need to play Snes Mario RPG).
His head doesn't quite look the way you have it
I suggest darkening/desaturating the cape so that the body stands out from it and so that the cape looks as if it's behind rather than on the same plane
Thanks for all your criticism. I probably won't make him again, but I might. Peace.
Thank you?

Still, I have to say it now, it's Atrocious, insult it all you want, It's horrible. Never was good at creating sprites. First time, too.
For future reference: You really ought to to stop getting so down on yourself so badly, asking us to insult it and all that kind of horseshit, because you're not going to get any better by whining about and to be honest it just annoys me a bit to see someone who has some potential as an artist to act harshly on themselves.
We're here to give criticism and help you try to improve it, if you're just gonna sit on your computer and complain about how bad your sprite is rather than making the effort to improve your skills then why on earth are you here?
If you're just gonna keep up with that kind of attitude then honestly, you're only wasting our time by doing so.
Now for my other bit of advice, try to make something more simple than jumping into a complicated character like Yardovich, I can easily tell you're a beginner with some of the things you've done so far, try something like Mallow, Geno, or dare I say Kirby. My point is start out with something simple and just practice, practice, practice.
Also, if you have a PC use graphics gale. Not trying to advertise it or anything but that's really the best program you can get when it comes to spriting.
Yes. I shall NOT waste your time. Spritegale, eh? I'll have to try that.