I suppose z084-z087 are to follow.
You should probably use a google docs sheet to determine what's left and what's complete - no idea which ones aren't claimed at this point

Three down, many more to go.
Now that my laptop is finally fixed, I'll be finishing up this ripping project (before I move onto any others). I'm still working on reorganizing my computer since I basically had to start from scratch, but I'll be bringing rips to the table about 3 or so at a time.
Also, thank you for the suggestion Dazz. Here is the Google Doc for claiming sheets:
If anyone is interested, feel free to jump on and contribute!
I was starting to think this project had died or something.
Neat to see progress, and good luck!
Awesome, glad to have you back in the game RBY!

Good to be back! And none of my projects ever die, they just get put on hiatuses of varying lengths.

Was gonna do a couple more until I realized I never claimed the ones I was working on to begin with.
I'll very officially claim:
- z205 Killer Dome
- z206 Gator
- z207 Barigator
- z208 Double Sworder
Yay! more project progress! : >
Nice job Shade! If you could use the Google Doc to claim sheets, that'd help make keeping track of progress easier.

It should be linked on the first post as well.
About 120 sheets left, we should be done in no time!
I like how Gator looks nothing like a gator.
Another one, another one, another one, another one, another one, and another one, and another one...