Me and a buddy are going to pick up our copies in the morning.
We've been playing the demo almost nonstop and can't wait to finally get our hands on the full game.
Also what do the coins do? I heard that you can transfer them from the special demo to the full game.
MFW 1%, sigh...
This'll be a while.
Just got it and holy shit there is something in the classic mode this time around.
Fucking, Master Core.
I think that's gonna be in my nightmares tonight it caught me off guard.
Crappy let us battle in a bit, please.
sure thing, i'm just playing through classing mode a few times to get the hang of characters i haven't been able to play
I became Littler Mac, no fair man. Flying man to the rescue though.
Also, MAN this feels lagless besides input lag. No framelag at all.
you're a damn good mario!
i'm also a damn terrible mii since that was the first time i played with my mii's setup, heh
Thanks, this circle pad is about to tear to pieces and the 3DS is all sweaty from the countless demo matches AAAA

Also god damn that diddy
EDIT: NEW!! XXXX HOT SEXY GRENINJA ACTION LEADS TO BOWSER MOUTH FOR THE KILL RATED T, no seriously what kind of bullshit was that, haha. Man though, some of these voices are cringe worthy. I swear Fox and LittleMac are still Japanese somehow.
Holy hell, Luigi's green missile looks like it took a serious nerf, and you're also very good with Alph.

pfft, are you kidding me? i've still got a lot of work to do with alph to really understand the placement of his moves.
also, i'm definitely done for the night. i'd rather not beat my 3ds senseless. that was fun, though!
Sure thing, I already beat my 3DS senseless though. Those were pretty fun~
CONCLUSION: Online is VERY VERY much improved from Brawl, do NOT knock it until you try it. With Crappy over here, I got pretty much no framelag, spikes, or skips. It ran smooth as butter. The netcode does this in turn for increasing latency, so you'll experience some input lag which might make any newcomer imprecisely execute their combos.
I'm actually not enjoying this game very much at all. It feels extremely empty, it's a pain to navigate, and the controls have failed to respond pretty frequently.
I preordered my copy back at home, so my parents will be mailing the game within the next few days.
Which means I will be without the game for a few days, but I get a cool coin so it works out in the end. This weekend is going to be so long though...
After changing the controls, I think I finally found a layout that works well for me.
Mii Brawler oh my god
Is it just me or do the Mii fighters have some moves that are nods to other characters' changed movesets?
Mii Gunner seems to have some of Samus' moves (and PK Fire???) while Mii Swordsman seems to have some of Roy's moves.
Going to pick the game up today, but I need to finish up this week's college homework and tests first.