(03-03-2016, 08:25 PM)Random Talking Bush Wrote: [ -> ] (03-03-2016, 07:47 PM)InebriatedSkunk Wrote: [ -> ] (02-18-2016, 05:37 PM)Random Talking Bush Wrote: [ -> ]Seriously, though.
Reason why I hadn't been ripping Pokémon models for a while is simply because I hadn't felt like it. No other reason. If people are serious about wanting me to speed up process on ripping those Pokémon models, consider giving me some kind of monetary incentive -- my PayPal's [Random T Bush at GMail dot com] (no spaces and substitute the obvious for at/dot). $1 per Pokémon. Otherwise it just gets done whenever. I can't run on goodwill alone right now unfortunately.
And then watch as someone's gonna donate like $400 to me and I'll have to work on getting all of the remainder up aaaaaaaaaaaaa
(EDIT: Rephrased a bit.)
Would you accept it if someone paid you $400? I am trying to make a game, which requires ALL 718 pokemon and their shinies and mega forms (Lets not mention the upcoming hundred or so in Pokemon Sun and Moon, eh?
I guess I'd have to dedicate a lot more into getting the models up if that were the case, a few dozen a week at the very least.
okay, that's the reason... so the question I had to make is just simple... Why the -9 reputation you gave me just for an unanswered question and replying to an arrogant user?
To be honest, you already had made up the concept I was too young for this... so Why you misconcepts.
It's becuz I am too old that I dunno a heck of C,C+,c# Programming... I was taught on GWBASIC programming right before the SVGA graphics were released (Because of that I cannot make any scripts). please look up for the people in the 80s who still needs to know how to properly use a cellphone without breaking it.
at least I understand your reason. but I cannot justify the way people offended me. I tried to start ripping and making a CIA of Toriko Gourmet Monsters with no avail, I have problems with USB. when trying to free disk space by copying Detective Pikachu's CIA to the microSD card.
so I decided to quit doing it momentarily. since my computer is a total piece of garbage that malfunctions when it wants to.
and specially I would like to help you out, but damaging my SDHC card to copy a 618MB CIA don't worth the effort.
specially for an unsanswered question that I asked and everyone repped me down.
please, just please, be more talkative and respectful, although I'm a lone battlewolf. I don't bite. never ever.
I understand your problem RTB. this is how I must assume. I asked for a swalot model in PM and yet today I havent it fully merged to DAE the way you do. and the Baby Yoshi model from NSMBU I got is yet in RAW model, so I cannot convert it since I have no damn idea of how to do it, and I tried everything.
The only problem is that we lack of users able to rip the models and convert them flawlessly by using the proper software and plugins/scripts. and like somebody said a few months ago... 3DS model ripping is dead.
so, considering your reply. I'm leaving... I need plenty of time to organize this. and be honest. although I am willingly glad to help. if my computer is a piece of -censored- and Xorpads never collaborate on my attempts to rip models. at least until I get a new computer. I will never try to rip anything from an stupid nitendo 3DS.
I quit from ripping Toriko Gourmet Monsters models...
PS: Pokken Tournament is already released. at least, I gave that info.