After reading the megaman comics I wanted to try out a different sprite style for megaman x. So I thought why not sonic advance since there is the sonic and megaman crossover and here is the result
this is what I got so far
I thiknk his right foot should face forward when not in his calm standing pose. It would make him look more like he's ready to start running. Also, the palette could use some contrast; try taking the colors from Sonic and then change the hue to match X, an that might look better. Otherwise, this is a very impressive sprite, and I'm excited to see more.

(09-16-2014, 09:38 AM)Midi Wrote: [ -> ]I thiknk his right foot should face forward when not in his calm standing pose. It would make him look more like he's ready to start running. Also, the palette could use some contrast; try taking the colors from Sonic and then change the hue to match X, an that might look better. Otherwise, this is a very impressive sprite, and I'm excited to see more. 
Thank you very much for the advice
I have made more contrast with the darker blue color and changed the right foot
I think you could have kept the light shade of blue, but the leg is a definite improvement. Well done.
No, don't change the whole thing. I mean keep the light blue from before, but use the new dark blue. You changed the brightness of the whole thing, but that didn't help the contrast. Here:
I changed the color palette; the hue for the dark parts of X's armor are blue and the light parts are cyan, but you had the hues switched. I also tweaked some of the outlines and fixed the parts where the shading looked kind of banded and not round. The head also needed to be moved back one pixel, and I added selout where it was missing. In Sonic Advance style, the black outlines are only used around dark pixels, and the black should be (16, 16, 16), unless you're using Sonic Battle colors, in which the black is (32, 32, 32). I included both for you to see.
Hope that looks better to you. If you wanna build off my changes, feel free to; it's only one frame, anyway. If it's alright, could I use these sprites when they're done? I think they look pretty sweet, and they mesh well with my existing style.
(09-17-2014, 04:37 PM)Midi Wrote: [ -> ]No, don't change the whole thing. I mean keep the light blue from before, but use the new dark blue. You changed the brightness of the whole thing, but that didn't help the contrast. Here:
![[Image: TmD9v0D.png]](
I changed the color palette; the hue for the dark parts of X's armor are blue and the light parts are cyan, but you had the hues switched. I also tweaked some of the outlines and fixed the parts where the shading looked kind of banded and not round. The head also needed to be moved back one pixel, and I added selout where it was missing. In Sonic Advance style, the black outlines are only used around dark pixels, and the black should be (16, 16, 16), unless you're using Sonic Battle colors, in which the black is (32, 32, 32). I included both for you to see.
Hope that looks better to you. If you wanna build off my changes, feel free to; it's only one frame, anyway. If it's alright, could I use these sprites when they're done? I think they look pretty sweet, and they mesh well with my existing style.
Is this what you mean with the light and dark blue?
I don't actually like the new palette, it's to bright and the colors blend to much with each other for me.
I am basing the palette on this picture.
The head is forward like in the megamanx4 battle pose and what do you mean with the black should be (16, 16, 16)?
I would feel honoured if you use my sprites as long as you give credit
For describing colors, (red, green, blue). Also, love the new palette, and the reason I moved the head back is because it makes it look like either his neck is coming out of his chest or intersecting with his helmet that far forward. A single pixel makes a big difference at that size.
To make this thread active here I am going to put other sprites that I also made in this style
I am taking a break from megaman x, but this is what I have done so far
Regular shooting, talking, hadouken and crouching are done. Running and the skydiving from day of sigma are added but not yet finished (because I’m too lazy). There are front sprites of x and co, alia’s head from behind and x and zero’s head in five directions now and I also did zero, x and leviathan from the zero series for fun
Currently I am spriting yugi and the pharaoh from yugioh
![[Image: uriUN4D.png]](
Now there's yugi shuffling his deck and drawing a card
Reading the 2nd megaman and sonic crossover that’s currently going on has made me excited to sprite megaman x again
the running animation is finally freaking done and now there's x from behind his back
does anyone also have ideas what kind of sprites I can make with yugi or yami yugi to extend my yugi sprite sheet?