Does this slope have no end??
I hope senpai notices me...
Who the fuck even wrote the text for this game
yes I'll be a rebel!! I don't accept the system! Fuck walking tile per tile, I want to walk freely!
Now, come to think about it... who the hell builds a cycling road on a slope???
And here's the end of the slope! Yay!
Now, what awaits me is Fuchsia City... I wonder what things I'll be seeing there... Stay tuned!
(09-16-2014, 07:12 PM)Gors Wrote: [ -> ]![[Image: 9f9e6a503af3fc28d3eb065a2f0282c4.gif]](
Who the fuck even wrote the text for this game
...I played through Pokemon Blue
How did I never find this sign rofl
Hello everyone! After resting for a while in this building, I will continue my journey to Fuchsia City!
My consecutive victories at this game started to gather fans. This boy wanted my signature, but I refused. I have no time for
peasants like him. *closes eyes, turns head to the other side*
O-oh! I'm sorry, mister. I'll leave and--
what an unusually pointy cheek...
If he's a birdkeeper, then I'll fight him with birds! Go get em, Freja!
Shell is a bird too. Look at his wings on the side of his head.
People around here are fucking weird...
"I don't know which head to hit!!!"