But you're a bird keeper...
Turns out that I found an already-evolved Fearow. This will be Siegfried! Welcome to the ballist party!
And I finally reached Fuchsia city... and to my surprise, the gym was already visible.
"Poisonous Ninja Master", huh... I gotta be prepared!
![[Image: 4600c3414501284bfac725ef67135eea.png]](http://i.gyazo.com/4600c3414501284bfac725ef67135eea.png)
Now that I bought Antidotes, I'm prepared enough to take on gym.
![[Image: 289c29ca8a3bd47e2bbcdbafbea99ff0.png]](http://i.gyazo.com/289c29ca8a3bd47e2bbcdbafbea99ff0.png)
Sep 18, 2014
Actually I didn't enter the gym yet: I decided to go for a walk in this beautiful city. Turns out that this city is a zoo of some sort, with a bunch of Pokemon trapped inside pens.
Is this your relative or something, Shell?
I bet this is your relative, Shell. It's even labeled as "PARENT"!
Who even threw a lollipop in that pond
I really like the description of the Pokemon.
After all this journey, I found something that made my eyes water in joy...
I found another ballist. I'm not the only one...
Okay. Now I'll finally get this right. It's a Jigglypuff!!!
Of course, meeting up at Slowpoke's cage is a perfect place for a date
Dunno about you, but a place where Pokemon are hunt and caught doesn't really sound like a Paradise for Pokemon