I finished my mario lineart and colored it!
![[Image: 5093mario.png]](http://imageupload.se/files/080524/5093mario.png)
Nick was home so i asked if he also wanted to color my lineart with my pallette

(his are the 2 under)
Some comment maby, how can i do better...
Nick's is better, no offence.. though yours is pretty good.
I totally dig the top-right one, though the bottom-right's eyes are good too.
thanks tomster and Ragnarok
I know Guss's looks better, but i'm glad you liked mine too.
How can I improve?
it doesnt need improvement
sheet it plz
well like I said shade based on the shape not the lines... like for example the belly; because he is fat shading would be there on the bottom to show that he is fat, but you have just shaded the legs and pretended as though he was never fat, do you see what I mean?
I Like 'em!
a whole sheet would be SIck!
any chance of us seeing that?
You my friend are using a shit load of colors(oh so ironic coming from me) but still I like it

U see what you meen tomster, so i just need to make a dark line under his belly to show some depth (like guss's)?
and for the rest thanks guys

And there's a big chance i (try) to sheet it

![[Image: marioad5.png]](http://img138.imageshack.us/img138/1232/marioad5.png)
so i animated the walk...
first try ever at animating...I don't think i'm gonna continue working on this, but i wan't some final comments for next time
Hey pretty nice! If you made battle poses, even better! But I only suggest that you make the mustache shorter. For the Animation, it looks like you just moved around the shoes. Make the arms go in a cycle, and make the body move, Then it would look way better.