I've managed to extract the filesystem from the ROM, which can be found here: [REMOVE
However I don't know what program will open most of these files. So if anyone can get the sprites out of there and send them to me, I would appreciate it. I have heard it's similar to BIS's filesystem so it shouldn't be impossible, I think.
I'd like to get some of those good lookin' sprites too, especially Mario and Luigi's!
Folder FOBJ has some of the spriters like mairo bowser inside story. maby they are the same format.
maby that same person that rip mario bowser inside story can rip the spriters from mario dream team.
If I recall correctly, most of the rippers from that game actually screen captured the sprites instead of using any coding and programming mojo to obtain them. Since this is the kind of thing a hacker would do, you'd be out of luck if you consulted the original rippers.
Well, if you're that desperate to try, go talk to Ridge about it on his DA account. Ask him if either he or Crazy Koopa would be willing to do that for you. I won't stop you from doing this, but I don't recommend it at all.
Just don't act so surprise if he either ignores you or scolds you for acting stupid/bothering him for a request.
I do have a question what is BAI folder for???
They aren't sprites, if that's what you're thinking.
They might be the animation judging from the "{c}animfrm frm ATK_R_COLOBO_0_HK_MAIN"
I'm not really sure. I'll look into it, maybe, eventually.
The sprites are in the dat files. I haven't looked at BiS, but the files for this game are readable, albeit somewhat complicatedly at the moment.
Took about 2-3 hours, and I reused a lot of code from my Puyo Puyo Tetris image reader, but I got it
The file format is still mostly unknown to me, so the images are the most I can get.
The parts are pieced together by code (the BAI files?)
Right now they aren't very interesting. There are also some sprites in the old style. I put a picture in the BiS ripping project thread.
I have another Dream Team-related request, so rather than making a new topic I thought I'd post it here.
^That's (presumably) the sound data for the game. It's in arc format, but BrawlBox can't open it. If anyone can figure out how to get into that file, I would appreciate that as well. Thanks!
(10-02-2014, 03:27 AM)Ploaj Wrote: [ -> ]They aren't sprites, if that's what you're thinking.
They might be the animation judging from the "{c}animfrm frm ATK_R_COLOBO_0_HK_MAIN"
I'm not really sure. I'll look into it, maybe, eventually.
The sprites are in the dat files. I haven't looked at BiS, but the files for this game are readable, albeit somewhat complicatedly at the moment.
Took about 2-3 hours, and I reused a lot of code from my Puyo Puyo Tetris image reader, but I got it
The file format is still mostly unknown to me, so the images are the most I can get.
The parts are pieced together by code (the BAI files?)
Right now they aren't very interesting. There are also some sprites in the old style. I put a picture in the BiS ripping project thread.
where can I get Puyo Puyo Tetris image reader so I can get the sprites from the dat files?