Just thought I'd say 'hi' and hopefully get some direction! I am a 3-5 Art teacher, and am having my students do some sprite animation both digitally and creating some paper sprites for stop animation. I came across this site, and see it as an amazing resource.
I am however, unsure on the best way to utilize the resources here. For instance, one project I would like my students to do is to create an enlarged pixel creation using graph paper. Any way to easily put a character (e.g. Mario) into grid format?
Are there any apps on the ipad or windows you would recommend for use? My students will be primarily using ipads. I have experimented with pixaki and sprite something, but have found it difficult to import the resources here. What do you guys do with the amazing resources here?
Welcome! Nice to meet you!
Now for the Graph Paper thing.
I'm very sure it's possible to too that. Just Print Out the sprite you want, Color paper I imagine being a prime choice (I'm no sprite artist, but I can draw pretty good, So I imagine it ain't to hard)
Then If you have one of those projecter thingys, (You Know the one with the bright thing on the bottom) Trace the sprite onto a clear piece of paper, (Prefferably on the graph paper, lol) and That should be it.
Take this suggestion with as much salt as you want, but as far as the Paper thing, I've done it many times.
Good Luck my friend!
And Welcome.
Welcome! You sound like you will be a great addition to our community!
Thanks! Ideally, Id like my students to be able to open a sprite sheet, and import the image into an ipad app where they could either use a sprite directly, or be able to import and animate it. I've been experimenting with Sprite something, and pixaki.
Also, I would think there has to be a way to import an image, and create a printable grid pattern to either use for perler beads, or enlargement to grid paper.
Hmmmmm. I dunno about that. I imagine you can find a program!
EDIT: Also, Are you interested in sprite ripping per chance?
I don't know anything about ipads, but making a grid for sprites on a computer is pretty easy.
This is a really neat thing to do. I wish my art teachers did stuff like this.
The other option is to find a graphics editor that has a grid view. For example, while it's not the best in the world, you can do this in Paint (At least for XP, not sure about others).
Simply load a sprite up, zoom in, and hit ctrl+g. I'm sure other programs have this function too.
In terms of graph paper, that could be tricky. The reality is that this is how a lot of older games were designed. Your best bet is to just teach your students that you need to treat each square as a pixel, and not be able to "cut corners" with it. Consider adding restrictions on the graph paper - only allowing them to draw within a 64x64 box, for example. Even 32x32. It'll help them consider readability of their designs.
I believe there are applications designed for stitch pattern designing, which I know sprite work is often transferred to... Sadly, I've never researched it too in-depth, but perhaps that might prove to be helpful?
If you'd like to discuss other issues you're likely to encounter, I'd be happy to discuss solutions with you

@Dazz: Try Aseprite. It has a grid configuration and TONS Of keyboard shortcuts. I use it, It ain't too bad TBH.
It's Great for Editing GIF's without making them JPEGS Like Paint XD
(10-04-2014, 09:45 PM)nateismyname Wrote: [ -> ]@Dazz: Try Aseprite. It has a grid configuration and TONS Of keyboard shortcuts. I use it, It ain't too bad TBH.
It's Great for Editing GIF's without making them JPEGS Like Paint XD
Paint doesn't make things into jpeg unless you save as a jpeg... It just doesn't handle transparency or animation...
If you've got access to the photoshop programs, the thing Dazz is describing can be done with them, but you have to use pencil instead of brush to add individual pixels. You just gotta zoom in and the individual pixels become visible to a degree. You might have to set up some rulers or such though.
I don't know of that many teachers on this web site, so it's thrilling to have one here. Welcome!