Awesome! I'm also looking for Antasma, as well as Popple and Bowser.
Which dat files contain the sprites, may I ask? The ones I've looked at don't seem to yield anything of substance, unfortunately.
Might have found something.
Dunno if you know this already Ploaj but the 3d Models for the Giant Battles are in the Folder "Chara".
Hope this helps.
THey appear to be the all new Format of......CGFX.
I don't get that name. CGFX. like CGI-Effects?
I don't even know.
Eh, I forgot that some animations have absurd amounts of frames. (and some have repeated animation and single frames for some reason)
It would be too complicated to programmatically move them to the next row, due to how the images are formed.
Hmm.... I give up for now.
And there's a script out there that can convert CGFX models, I believe.
As for Antasma, his sprites require a little bit of manual work, so I'm not really focused on them right now.
I'll Do the work then
I'm calling antasma if that's fine with you.
AWESOME! Is that the full set for Popple? Want me to arrange him into a sheet then?
I'm assuming this is just his battle sprites, am I correct?
Oh also, I found what I guess is a source code to convert CGFX models.
NOT MADE BY ME, Don't remember the guy's name but He won't mind I'm sure.
I saved it in a Normal text file.
It should work but I dunno.
See if it works....
I'm not sure how to get it to convert something or not really.
Use it to make a program?
That's... half his battle sprites? I think?
He has 2 sets. I'm assuming one is when he is in the party? Never played Dream Team.
Honestly, I was thinking of just submitting the sheets ripped like this, since that's their purest form, really quick to do, and they are all spaced equally, but if you want to arrange him, then go ahead.
So I made my ripper wrap the image rows!
There's a bit of black space from when animations have 1 or 2 frames, but that's as clean as it gets.
I couldn't help my self but to keep going until I got it working :p
Models aren't really my thing, you could ask RTB

Could you per chance send me Antasma So I can assemble and sheet him?
I'd dig that.
Already said it but man this is exciting.
Awesome work, ploaj! Pretty sure that sheet is as organised as it's going to get. It looks great to me!
Can't wait to see this on the site.
Literally everytime I think I'm done with my script another bug appears.
Eh, at least that appears to be the last of them.
For organization, I was thinking
-Playable Characters
-Non-Playable characters
-Enemies (Overworld)
-Enemies (Battle)
Separating overworld and battle for convenience.
Overworld sprites are going to require some manual labor to piece separate sheets together.
Does every enemy have an overworld? It doesn't look like it right now, unless they are with the regular characters.
Sounds good to me - if you want me to help make icons, I have a technique to literally make them in 2 seconds flat a sheet.
I don't think every enemy has an overworld sprite, such as the background enemies like those pterodactyl things on Mount Pajamaja.
If I can get instructions on how to use that code, I can try to do Bowser. I'd like to have his dream world sprites anyway.
May I ask a question.
When the program has no bugs Ploaj, will you make it downloadable so other people can rip stuff?
That's be Awesome.
I wanna Rip too, ya know
NO but really are you planning on doing that.
Oh my goodness. This version of Bowser has over 10 sheets that are 3240x5791 pixels!!
My script is still in-progress of sheeting enemies. I'm naming and organizing them as it finishes.
There are some enemies I can't find the names for, and some from Bowser and Luigi's inside story.
If I can get icons ready, I might be able to have all the regular in-battle enemies uploaded before the end of the day.
So Dazz, I would love to know your technique :p
Oh wow.
Should we put them on One BIGGGG Sheet or split them up.
I'm in favor of them being on one big one but ehhhhhhh.
10 sheets.
That's a lot.
ALSO: Does Dreamy Bowser look like THAT?!
Huh. that glowing must be in game effects.
Sorry for double post but The models are in A even weirder format than CGFX.
They appear to be......BCRES.
I'm guessing that's a corruption of BRRES but I'm not even sure TBH.
They HAVE SOME CGFX though, so yeah.
Wanted to point that out.