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Full Version: Good Image Editor for Youtube Video Sprite Ripping
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I don't know if this is where I should be asking this question, but there are some youtube videos that aren't from games that I would like to "rip sprites" from for either mugen or a fan game and I was wondering if anyone knew of a good free image editor to do that with. I have a way to download the videos and convert them to images I just don't know if the image editor I am using ( is the best for this.
Ripping sprites from videos is just dumb. You should be ripping directly from the games.
(10-14-2014, 11:34 AM)Magma Dragoon Wrote: [ -> ]Ripping sprites from videos is just dumb. You should be ripping directly from the games.

The games were either beta versions or unreleased/not leaked where only the videos are around, also like I said some of them aren't even games. I would like to rip images from a cartoon to use to make a cutscene, but I don't want to edit/make a video because my engine already uses a lot of space and I don't want it to use more. Also some of the "sprites" I want to use would actual be images from 3d models from a game that I would like to use for a 2d game (since it is hard to rip the actual models because they are compressed) But I if you have a better why for me to do those things than please tell me. Also when I said sprites I meant that I would be using them for that purpose, not that they were actual sprites from games. But mostly for videos of unreleased games and betas.
It's just videos often have compression applied to them which makes any 2D element in videos useless without heavy cleaning of compression artifacts. Even HD videos on YouTube are compressed since YouTube automatically compresses all videos uploaded to it. Probably many other video providers do the same thing.

It's easier to put together tools you either find or buy on the internet to try ripping from video games rather than meticulously comb through video frames one by one and do massive compression artifact cleaning of each 2D element present in the frames.

If you don't mind me asking, what game/cartoon are you wanting to rip from? While this forum has a post requirement before you can request, maybe somebody can at least point you to the tools you may need to extract what you want yourself. It'll just be up to you to find the game to personally rip from online.
(10-18-2014, 07:05 PM)Ngamer01 Wrote: [ -> ]It's just videos often have compression applied to them which makes any 2D element in videos useless without heavy cleaning of compression artifacts. Even HD videos on YouTube are compressed since YouTube automatically compresses all videos uploaded to it. Probably many other video providers do the same thing.

It's easier to put together tools you either find or buy on the internet to try ripping from video games rather than meticulously comb through video frames one by one and do massive compression artifact cleaning of each 2D element present in the frames.

If you don't mind me asking, what game/cartoon are you wanting to rip from? While this forum has a post requirement before you can request, maybe somebody can at least point you to the tools you may need to extract what you want yourself. It'll just be up to you to find the game to personally rip from online.

Actually to tell you the truth I forgot, I gave up on this thing shortly after my last post. However, I do know it was so I could look at them easier without the extra stuff so I could make a custom sprite sheet based on it. I can't focus on the object with it all. Also I would have possible used it for a beta version of a fan game. I have ADHD and I was looking for a quicker shortcut, and I didn't think this through.
There are some youtube videos that aren't from games that I would like to "rip sprites" from for either mugen or a fan game and I was wondering if anyone knew of a good free image editor to do that with. I have a way to download the videos and convert them to images I just don't know if the image editor I am using ( is the best for this. is decent for basic editing, but for something like ripping sprites, you might want a bit more functionality. GIMP is a solid free option, it offers more advanced tools for extracting and cleaning up sprites. Krita is another great choice, especially for detailed image work and sprite editing. Both have a good balance of features and are free to use.

If you need to convert the video frames into different image formats or batch process them, this tool might help: Good luck with your project—sounds like a fun idea for a fan game!
Holy Necro, Batman!