Basically I tried using the Generations models from the resource in blender. I quickly figured what _dif meant(diffuse) but for the rest of them I can't understand what they mean. So if you have good knowledge of this please let me know.
Thank you so much, Blaze349.
dif = diffuse
nrm = normal
spc = specular
pow = [specular] power
ref = reflection
env = environment [map]
The game places some channels in the alpha map of some maps for memory efficiency eg RGB specular color Alpha specular power
Thank you but what is _fal_?
(11-01-2014, 08:25 PM)Blaze349 Wrote: [ -> ]Thank you but what is _fal_?
It's for the Fresnel shading that the game uses, highlights certain parts of the texture depending on how the rimlighting is on the model. I actually don't know too much about how it works.

Thank you. Blender has somethings about fresnel in its wiki.