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Trying to extract the Majin Bone - Jikan to Kuukan no Majin..
I tried to extract with this tutorial but I failed..
The problem is that it lacks of certain infos... for example the file "CTR-P-AREP0.romfs.xorpad" isn't inside the rar files. and it seems it requires a nintendo 3DS with Gateway or anything else to get the keys out, specially the 7.X one from new games...

this is getting me on my nerves, becuz I expected to do this without using any kind of hardware, and specially my 3DS have a higher version than 6.1 that is yet unhackable. Where can I get a lousy 4.5 3DS cheap and without being scammed?.

in times like this, I miss the ye olde way of extracting from Nintendo Wii games, where you just only need both Dolphin and the ISO, extract the BRRES/SZS or any supporting files, load it with the tools that supports these files and convert them.
but with Nintendo 3ds, you need much more and I cannot meet all the requirements, and I think I will never complete anything of my projects I was about to initiate since a week ago when my computer was broken. Sad
Really? I had hoped to to get. ;-;
But, There is no way to extract in another way? There are so many games that I want to extract .. Sad
(11-06-2014, 07:24 AM)deppcreed Wrote: [ -> ]Really? I had hoped to to get. ;-;
But, There is no way to extract in another way? There are so many games that I want to extract .. Sad

You could do the ram dump, but I personally would rather wait it out.
Can 3DS games be ripped with a MT-Card? They aren't limited to a 4.1-4.5 firmware and also runs homebrew.
I found that Gateway is getting a huge update that will work on up to 9.2 firmware... but the update is in a WIP state.

I need info about that MT-card before telling you if it can o can't rip stuff from 3DS... the thing you need is the Xorpad file from your 3DS that has the code to rip the rom and it's copied to your SD card when you do the exploit (Gateway Mode) to play 3DS games... Normally that's the way Gateway 3DS does. Tongue

if that card cannot create the Xorpad file into your SD card, then it means you can't rip the stuff from 3DS roms. Tongue

Edit: It seems that MT-Card is pretty much like Gateway in every way (Xcept for save editing that seems pretty much like a Gameshark for 3DS Big Grin) ... but I don't know if it really supports versions above 4.5 or may work with 9.2 as well.
But it seems like you can do the same stuff like on Gateway... Exploiting via Profile... in that case... then it must be a way to get the Xorpad you need to rip 3DS roms. Wink

Edit 2: You've mistaken... MT-Card only works on 4.1-4.5 3DS firmwares... so forget it. unless you have a quite old 3DS with that firmware... you better have to buy Gateway and pray the update comes very soon, also... you must have your 3DS to 9.0-9.2 Firmware... anything upper that version, means bad luck for you. Tongue
Any update..? I want to ripping this game.. and others..