OK, bringing this back up for questions:
I tried to open up the Gens11svn emulator, but when the moment that I do, my computer tells me that it is an invalid Win32 application and then my Norton Security Suite recognizes it as a virus and completely removes it from my computer.
Does anyone have this problem, too?
Are there any better Sprite Ripping/BG Rip-Extracting Emulators out there?
hmm, that's curious. Where did you download it from?
Works fine for me, and I'm not getting told that it's a virus. Personally I find this to be the best emulator for Mega Drive ripping, the palettes are accurate and you can modify the background colour using an LUA script (instead of just black).
I've been using Gens11b though, I didn't know there was a later version. Try using that version instead and see if it works.
Nevermind, I fixed the problem.
But now I've got another problem: How to change the background color from black to a different color.
Does anyone know how to do that?
Then you should disable Norton For a while or something like that.
My Program Has NEVER done that, so dunno what you're experiencing.
That's ok, I fixed the problem somehow.
But now I've got another problem: How to change the color of the background from black to a different color.
I know there was a color key feature, but I don't know how to get it.

(11-12-2014, 08:55 PM)LooneyTunerIan Wrote: [ -> ]But now I've got another problem: How to change the color of the background from black to a different color.
LUA script.
BLUE = {r=0, g=0, b=1}
background = BLUE
I don't know much LUA, but maybe someone can help you with that

This LUA script changes the background to magenta:
local p,t=vdp.readpalette(1,1);
local c=pal.getcolor(t[1],1);
If you know how colour channels work you should be able to modify this to any colour you want. Magenta should be sufficient though.
Copy-paste that into a text file called "bg-change.lua". In the emulator go to Tools -> Lua Scripting -> New Lua Script Window. Click Browse and select bg-change.lua.
It works, but it won't stay in its color.
It goes back to black after the next scene comes in.
Hmm, I don't know why that would happen. What do you mean by next scene? Try clicking Run in the Lua window once it's gone back to black.
No worries, I fixed the problem now.

All is working properly.