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Quote:"come to house and fucking say that waste man"

Oh also, I'll explain the context for those who don't remember.

Mozzy was giving critique to some Luigi recolor's sprites (his fan character was a Yellow Luigi with green hair or something, and no mustache) and the dude lashed out and said those exact words seen above.
mozz fucking come to house and say that waste man.

And he did.
[Image: uQclr6O.png]
I was a member back then, too. That was back when I did sonic edits and lurked all of the projects like that Sonic Battle project, or watching Starpower finish his MLSS style Wario. I was always more of a lurker than a poster.

I always remember that that was back when only this and a few other corners of the internet even knew what memes were (that's why I love that rule that mentions "longcat"). Good times, good times.
(11-17-2014, 06:38 PM)Iceman404 Wrote: [ -> ]If it means anything, I sorta miss TSR from 5 years+ ago. Some thing about the hilarious shitposting, endless members, and overwheming activity of Sprite Discussion was nostalgic.

I've been using the main site for as long as I could type though.
That peak in activity was what drew me to the Sprite Discussion boards in the first place.
(11-18-2014, 01:52 AM)Pik Wrote: [ -> ]"come to house and fucking say that waste man"

I always read that as if 'waste man' was a person, like he was calling mozzy 'waste man' as an insult

only now do I realize that it's probably supposed to read like "come to (my) house and fucking say that waste, man"
No I'm pretty sure the "waste man" is a noun.
Come to my house and say that, I'll fucking waste you, man?
Who knows what that Luigi recolor meant.
We're all wastemen.

I think that was his idea of an insult.
Pfft, any of you guys remember Broken Revolution?

I do because I totally helped come up with that name.

and also because I

am really


(11-18-2014, 07:18 PM)PatientZero Wrote: [ -> ]Pfft, any of you guys remember Broken Revolution?

I do because I totally helped come up with that name.

and also because I

am really



So much this! Sort of. Broken Invasion was the original forum. Broken Revolution (which Mynn actually came up with if I remember correctly) was the attempted revival which didn't last terribly long. As a fun fact, I now own both domains and use Broken Revolution as the main hub for most of the management of this network.

I've been around forever but never actually joined PT. I lost touch with most of that original group for a while and then lurked tSR for a very long time (for no reason really - I have no idea why I took so long to join). So, while many of you may not remember me, I do remember a good chunk of history here.
(11-18-2014, 01:53 AM)Marth Wrote: [ -> ]Who remembers the whole "Jordan's Gay" thing?

I remember JonathanEX making tons of jokes about that, actually.

While I'm at it, what happened to all the PT jokes like Gamecube Emu, Master Chef, and Gigalypuff?

anyways, "It's time to make the shit."
I've been apart of the community for a decade now, I feel so old.

btw if you look at my join date on this incarnation of the forums, I joined a full day before this forum went officially live and was posted on PT WHOOPS
(11-18-2014, 08:07 PM)Petie Wrote: [ -> ]So much this! Sort of. Broken Invasion was the original forum. Broken Revolution (which Mynn actually came up with if I remember correctly) was the attempted revival which didn't last terribly long. As a fun fact, I now own both domains and use Broken Revolution as the main hub for most of the management of this network.

I've been around forever but never actually joined PT. I lost touch with most of that original group for a while and then lurked tSR for a very long time (for no reason really - I have no idea why I took so long to join). So, while many of you may not remember me, I do remember a good chunk of history here.

oh yeah? POP QUIZ!

1.What was the semi-official mascot for PT at the time?
2.Who ran TSR for a time after Bacon which resulted in a weird site re-design that ultimately failed?
3.Which admin headmaster revived the shiny currency for a brief period?
(11-19-2014, 10:39 PM)Omega Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-18-2014, 08:07 PM)Petie Wrote: [ -> ]So much this! Sort of. Broken Invasion was the original forum. Broken Revolution (which Mynn actually came up with if I remember correctly) was the attempted revival which didn't last terribly long. As a fun fact, I now own both domains and use Broken Revolution as the main hub for most of the management of this network.

I've been around forever but never actually joined PT. I lost touch with most of that original group for a while and then lurked tSR for a very long time (for no reason really - I have no idea why I took so long to join). So, while many of you may not remember me, I do remember a good chunk of history here.

oh yeah? POP QUIZ!

1.What was the semi-official mascot for PT at the time?
2.Who ran TSR for a time after Bacon which resulted in a weird site re-design that ultimately failed?
3.Which admin headmaster revived the shiny currency for a brief period?
I don't know if I'm allowed to answer, but I know the first one I think. Nerd

Petey the Pencil, BAB, and the third I have no idea that currency system was dumb.

I wasn't around on PT as long as some members. When I first joined it was to ask people submitting to tSR to submit to my site instead. I think Petie is mistaking this site with the community that developed around my other site, Deek'n'Dazz, later Giptum (which was named after the term "gippy tummy" otherwise known as having diarrhea).

When I first joined I told someone to stop being an asshole to another member and everyone for some reason really liked me. Kingdom Hearts: COM was the big thing at the time I think. I then went off the wagon a bit and started being weird and I don't really remember much from those days. Made a radio station. Became the moon for a while. That sort of thing.
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