(11-29-2014, 02:05 PM)Kosheh Wrote: [ -> ]I kinda wonder what happened to Lovekrew actually. Like Supersuit, Martin, Suigin etc. Like okay yeah they were probably banned a year or two after TSRc opened but like I wonder if they're all like hanging out in Florida right now on a beach drinking cute drinks and fistbumping one another while Supersuit is flying through a certain English tourist's window and messing up his Megaman saves
I'm no PTer but I recall the name Suigin, he was active for probably at least a year after I signed up (so like until late 2012 maybe). I mostly remember him posting random crud in the Lounge but he did ask about programming Flash games at one point so maybe he's doing something in that area.
Pretty sure this is his account.
Looks like he visited pretty recently though?
(11-22-2014, 05:35 PM)Kat Wrote: [ -> ] (11-22-2014, 03:44 PM)Vipershark Wrote: [ -> ]I completely forgot JonEx existed.
What's Jordan up to nowadays?
Going to MaGFest, does pixel art and sometimes does his own little tiny games. This is what I've gathered by talking to him on facebook and instragram anyway.
Wrong Jordan.
Jordan lives in London with my childhood friend Rachel. He recently finished University and works for one of those companies where you don't really know what they do. Big glass building. I think mostly legal services and tax stuff. I don't know. Not spoken to him properly in ages.
He rarely posts on Facebook, and I don't follow him anywhere else. He's still gay. Pretty sure our entire social circle still refers to this constantly.
JonEx recently finished university, and does graphical web design stuff and coding for a company that makes websites for local radio stations. He used to host a show on a local station in Lincoln, UK where he discussed games and stuff. It was pretty fun. I always figured he'd go down this route career wise since he really loved working on tSRadio - I like to think that this helped make the decision.
(11-30-2014, 04:20 AM)Dazz Wrote: [ -> ] (11-22-2014, 05:35 PM)Kat Wrote: [ -> ] (11-22-2014, 03:44 PM)Vipershark Wrote: [ -> ]I completely forgot JonEx existed.
What's Jordan up to nowadays?
Going to MaGFest, does pixel art and sometimes does his own little tiny games. This is what I've gathered by talking to him on facebook and instragram anyway.
Wrong Jordan.
why is there a bunch of people named Jordan who went here u_u
(For the record, the Jordan that Kat was referring to is DJVenom, not "Jordan")
(11-30-2014, 07:55 AM)Gors Wrote: [ -> ]![[Image: 8d41e3ec7b5d253db4d62743306b64a5.png]](http://i.gyazo.com/8d41e3ec7b5d253db4d62743306b64a5.png)
I actually own a Ball Game&Watch!
Remember when a bunch of us were on a private Maplestory server and stuff. Those were fun times.
Except it wasn't actually private since we had pubs, but you know.
(11-30-2014, 04:20 AM)Dazz Wrote: [ -> ]He rarely posts on Facebook, and I don't follow him anywhere else. He's still gay. Pretty sure our entire social circle still refers to this constantly.
This is probably the best thing that I've read in my entire stay on VGR. You have no idea how delighted I was to read this. This is top tier closure.
I'm so very glad that Jordan is still gay in 2014.
(12-02-2014, 01:23 PM)Vipershark Wrote: [ -> ]LimeMS still top tier PT
* Kosheh nudges u and keychain
for the past 2 years I've been trying to nudge my friend to help me out and help me in making a new LimeMS, but it fell through multiple times
I'll give it a proper shot in the near future, but I want to get some SQL under my belt (to fully modify and tweak the NPCs so they'll have Monkey Island tier writing)
I would play the hell out of a new LimeMS if you can get that to happen, Kosh.
(12-04-2014, 11:49 AM)Keychain Wrote: [ -> ]I would play the hell out of a new LimeMS if you can get that to happen, Kosh.
Yeah and I'd totally love to.
I probably wouldn't call it LimeMS; it'd probably be its successor if anything.
If I were to set it up like,
tomorrow, I need to find a place to put this damn tower. :/
It also probably would only be on whenever I felt like it, too unless I could talk my boss into letting me set up and maintain a shitty little game server machine at work (which...I'm not sure how plausible that would be)
And I know there's people who run game servers and whatnot; is it possible to host private servers for many games? It'd suck to have a server machine that'd dedicated
only to one specific game. :/
Hell, are MapleStory private servers even a thing anymore?
EDIT: Apparently they are, lol.
I'd honestly also want to keep it super private, more or less just for my friends to screw around on, with like a 50-user max.
EDIT 2: Talking with my boss [I live on my job's property], it should totally be doable to run a server onsite. The only problem now is how to get it to actually function/maintain.
I might look into getting like an Intel NUC or something.
I look forward to seeing how it turns out.
Also my vote goes to naming it LemonMS
I seem to remember Dazz making that page sometime back (definitely after that iteration of the site) where he's all like YEAH THESE GUYS ARE FUCKING DOPE, SO COOL I'D LET THEM DATE MY SISTER. COOLEST GUYS EVER, GIVE A HAND FOR THIS GUYS!!! COOL MOTHERFUCKERS. I'm pretty sure Ton was on there, too.
or did I dream this up...
Those Top Spriter icons really show how far we've come in our idea of a 'top spriter'