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That actually raises a good question on who'd be qualified for a rank like that anymore. I personally think possessing good talent and leaving a hugely positive impact on the community through forum posts should qualify for that.
(12-06-2014, 02:43 PM)E-Man Wrote: [ -> ]That actually raises a good question on who'd be qualified for a rank like that anymore. I personally think possessing good talent and leaving a hugely positive impact on the community through forum posts should qualify for that.
Pretty sure that it's related to submissions though, not forum status. Tongue
True, but why not take both into consideration? Tongue

I know it's referring to top "spriter," but I don't see why we couldn't change the name or something like that.
(12-06-2014, 01:12 PM)Pik Wrote: [ -> ]America's next Top Model Spriter

[Image: 2014-12-07_1309.png]
Poor Ton's Icon is broken.
Man I wanted to be a top spriter back then so bad, too bad I was absolutely terrible back then.

and whatever happened to Zin and Semi indeed.
(12-06-2014, 01:16 PM)Kosheh Wrote: [ -> ]I seem to remember Dazz making that page sometime back (definitely after that iteration of the site) where he's all like YEAH THESE GUYS ARE FUCKING DOPE, SO COOL I'D LET THEM DATE MY SISTER. COOLEST GUYS EVER, GIVE A HAND FOR THIS GUYS!!! COOL MOTHERFUCKERS. I'm pretty sure Ton was on there, too.

or did I dream this up...

It was no dream...

[Image: 2014-12-08_1219.png]

This is the version of the page I remember most, lol
I'm certainly glad that at least Smithy is still around and has yet to disappoint anyone. Smile
Is Smithy still around? We used to be awesome friends and spend late nights on AIM together. I miss this times, he was hugely influential on me as an artist when I still did art. He helped me out a lot back then.
(12-07-2014, 12:24 PM)Pik Wrote: [ -> ]
(12-06-2014, 01:16 PM)Kosheh Wrote: [ -> ]I seem to remember Dazz making that page sometime back (definitely after that iteration of the site) where he's all like YEAH THESE GUYS ARE FUCKING DOPE, SO COOL I'D LET THEM DATE MY SISTER. COOLEST GUYS EVER, GIVE A HAND FOR THIS GUYS!!! COOL MOTHERFUCKERS. I'm pretty sure Ton was on there, too.

or did I dream this up...

It was no dream...

[Image: 2014-12-08_1219.png]

This is the version of the page I remember most, lol

Yep. That's the Dazz I remember.

Oh, Dazz *laugh track ensues as the "That's Our Dazz!" TV show logo fades in with occasional saxophone during the show's intro*

Dazzs description of Toadkarter Wrote:What can I say at Toadkarter other then the fact that he kicks some MAJOR ass - So major, it could cause the world to implode upon itself!
His sheets...His moves...His style. What is there that isn't going to kick ass at! ~ He could beat us so bad!
And the man fuckin' loves his friends! Who can't love a man that loves his friends!? GROUP HUG!
I'm dying
Fucking Toadkarter

...I feel like the Dazz of yesteryear would have made a better pirate radio DJ than a spriter. Blank
Frars old spriter profile Wrote:Another Fact:

What the fuck? I'm not writing a book. Jesus Christ >_>


On another note, does anyone have the archive link for Ninsprites? That was before I was around, and I'm interested to see it.
Oh I've tried looking for an archived Ninsprites. Seems to be too hard for me.
(12-07-2014, 09:22 PM)Marth Wrote: [ -> ]Is Smithy still around? We used to be awesome friends and spend late nights on AIM together. I miss this times, he was hugely influential on me as an artist when I still did art.  He helped me out a lot back then.

Why, yes he is! Big Grin

Besides the fact that I often chat with him over Skype (try PMing him and I think he'll share his Skype contact details with you), he recently posted this model sheet for an animation project he's working on.
As for that Top Spriter thing, sadly very few people makes sprites anymore. No, I don't consider pixelart to be sprites.

Well more accurately, very few finish anything. Myself included.
did somebody say pixeltendo
fuck skink who hate skink
I'm not around.
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