I am trying to rip Jackie Chan Adventures Legend of the Dark Hand for GBA and I came across a few problems, some of the sprites are the hub gets in the way of large sprites such as Shendu, and the sprites in the OAM Viewer are too split up, about 9 different images, which makes it hard to use. Also since this is a gba game the sprites are compressed. Anyone have any clue what I can do.
You'll probably just need to assemble the different images for each frame of animation. Tedious work, but rewarding if you want the sprites.
(12-02-2014, 12:05 PM)Shade Wrote: [ -> ]You'll probably just need to assemble the different images for each frame of animation. Tedious work, but rewarding if you want the sprites.
I took a closer look in tile molester and the sprites appear to be uncompressed, but I have yet to find any whole sprites other than some text, however that could be because (1) I haven't looked at everything (2) they may be arranged strangely or (3) I am not very skilled with tile molester.
I can give you these quick tips for finding the right sprites. I don't have a ton of time to assemble tiles right this second.

- Offset is 10
- Characters start at "000F5C"
- Saving the OBJ palette when Shendu is on screen in game would make searching a lot easier (Correct palette is necessary, anyway)
- If you're not using it already, Tile Molester Alternate supports GBA palettes
If you need anymore help, feel free to ask.
(12-03-2014, 03:58 PM)Shade Wrote: [ -> ]I can give you these quick tips for finding the right sprites. I don't have a ton of time to assemble tiles right this second. 
- Offset is 10
- Characters start at "000F5C"
- Saving the OBJ palette when Shendu is on screen in game would make searching a lot easier (Correct palette is necessary, anyway)
- If you're not using it already, Tile Molester Alternate supports GBA palettes
If you need anymore help, feel free to ask.
These sprites are so large and I am not used to using a tile editor, do you have any tips on assembling them. It doesn't need to be specific to the game, although that would be nice, but I don't know how to do it because they are arranged strangely. Not to mention that a single character image seem to be made from multiple sprites when the game is being rendered, so that may make assembling them complicated. The sprites are large for gba sprites, so that may explain why.
Do they only have one frame?
Looking good so far! Keep at it!
(12-16-2014, 12:30 PM)Ton Wrote: [ -> ]Do they only have one frame?
Yes, Captain Black; Jade; and Uncle only appear at the beginning of the first two levels and the end of the game. They don't have animations or anything because they only talk and don't do anything, they do have head icons for speech though. Shendu on the other hand is the final boss, but only has an idle animation; attack animations; a turning animation, and a death animation each of them are pretty simple. Shendu doesn't have any animations for moving other than turning because he simple stays in one spot.
Ok so just a to mention the way I have been ripping these sprites is with Visual Boy Advance's OAM Viewer and a graphics editor called Paint.net (though most graphic editors will do.) I use vba's oam viewer to get the pieces of the sprites and use Paint.net to put them together into a single image than remove the background colors.