(12-06-2014, 02:01 PM)TomGuycott Wrote: [ -> ]Although it seems like a lot of empty space, keep in mind they aren't really looking around TOO thoroughly. Deeper inspection will probably lead to various secrets. With a big world there's more room for that than ever.
That's what I hope for with this game. Just like the original Zelda, I want to be able to tackle things in mostly any order I want. Just like a Link to the Past, I want stuff hidden all over the place that I can find right away, and I want a nice semblance of difficulty. Just like Link's Awakening, I want collectibles that I can find throughout my adventure, that I can trade in for an epic reward. Just like Oracle of Seasons and Ages, I want colorful characters, and the puzzle mechanics to be interesting, not just copy-pasted from a previous Zelda title. Just like Minish Cap, I want there to be a LARGE amount of secrets to find in the areas I've been in, that allows me to backtrack and see new parts of the area that I didn't necessarily HAVE to see, and force me to explore every nook and cranny to find everything.
I want them to blend the best of worlds from the 2D games. The 2D games always had the best overworlds, in terms of content and secrets.
Kriven's point is so simple, you guys, Christ. He's not saying the game will be bad, just that from the small bit we've seen of it so far there might be two problems with the game:
-It's huge and beautiful, yes, but it looks like there's not much going on from point A to point B (no secret areas, no NPCs, no shops, it's just barren land that takes long to traverse but looks nice). I believe since it's so early indev, they just haven't shown us stuff hidden around yet of course.
-Not only is the area huge, but there aren't really any distinct landmarks or features that distinguish one area from the other, a lot of it looks the same (Which can get hard to find your way around in without a map, and may get visually monotonous regardless of the graphic capabilities).
That first point is just jumping the gun. That stuff wouldn't be added yet probably, the games probably a year out from release. I don't see why is it expected that they show a full world when this was a barebones, unfinished showing of their progress. They also only showed a little bit of area, of which varied even in it's barebones form.
No one has even stated that what Kriven's saying is that the game = bad. We've just been saying that it's way to early to make the assumptions he's made. Jesus.
(12-06-2014, 03:00 PM)recme Wrote: [ -> ]ANYWAYS, who cares about what other people think. kriven thinks it might be shit
i personally dont care what kriven thinks since ill probably enjoy the game while he groans or whatever.
I was referring to this post, mostly. Also an Indev preview should really give us an idea of what's to come; so I expected more myself, but I see that it's not welcome to share that opinion here.

Can you cut the victim bullshit? You're more than welcome to share your opinion, but people are free to respond to those said opinions. I can't see how one could expect too much when the game's a year out from release as it is. The gameplay footage was obviously meant to give a eensy weensy glimpse at what's to come, and to show off a few new features that pump up the fans.
That's the thing! What features?
Bruh, all I saw was LAND. Once my hype wore off I was a bit confused as to my excitement in the first place. Any response to my previous sentence is "lol WIP!!".
Come the fuck on, they showed off Epona, and how Epona doesn't run into trees because horses don't do that shit, the nice as fuck on horse combat, and the fact that you can I don't know... VAULT THE FUCK OFF DAT HORSE AND SLOW MO ARROW SHOT BITCHES. And then there's the whole sail cloth thing which is cool, float over the land and look at how purty it is as I float away.
You know why there's so much open space?
I'd want the space more open to run around something like this.
Seriously though, there's interesting things around if you are paying attention. There's a watchtower with a ladder beside Link right when they start, and there even appears to be a pole with a flag maybe? I can't really tell, it's further in the background.
Ah, so this (and a Mario Maker trailer) is what Nintendo was teasing at the VGAs. Now I feel silly for expecting nothing but a Cranky Kong-tier announcement.
(12-06-2014, 09:30 AM)Phantom Killah Wrote: [ -> ]We need some supernerds to analyze that map.
It's huge!
GameXplain's got ya covered.
It reminds me a lot of Wind Waker to be honest. Big open spaces that take a while to traverse from location to location, with interesting landmarks to discover but not much happening in between. Sure you can argue that it's different because there are trees and such this time, but that's really only aesthetics, the function remains the same.
(12-06-2014, 01:10 PM)Kosheh Wrote: [ -> ]- Boot up Zelda U
- Check out where to go next
- Call Epona
- Put down Gamepad
- Make a sandwich
- Come back, and there you are at the dungeon :0)
See what you are saying here is exactly the kind of gameplay people complained about in Wind Waker, and why creating a faster manner of travel was considered so critical in the rerelease. I don't see why people are so hyped to see it return now. And are you seriously going to walk away and do stuff every time you're traveling from point A to point B? That's an awful lot of sandwiches you're going to be eating. No I think most of the time you're going to be just sitting there staring at your television screen. Just waiting it out.
I dunno. We haven't seen much yet so I don't really want to let myself get too critical yet, but so far what's been revealed to us feels more like it's going to be a chore than an adventure.
(12-06-2014, 08:37 PM)Jermungandr Wrote: [ -> ]That's an awful lot of sandwiches you're going to be eating.
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Zelda U Drinking Game! Every time you need to travel somewhere far away on the map, you down a bottle of whisky until you arrive.
Nah, but seriously, I'm on the edge of my seat for more information surrounding this. I REALLY want this to work out, but it has to be done in a very specific way in order to not just be a bunch of filler space.
I'll complain or praise this game when I know more about it.
Not that I'm disliking this game or anything, but I find this post a bit amusing.
(12-06-2014, 05:49 PM)Gwen Wrote: [ -> ]Come the fuck on, they showed off Epona
Oh yeah! That recurring thing that was expected here!
(12-06-2014, 05:49 PM)Gwen Wrote: [ -> ]Epona doesn't run into trees because horses don't do that shit,
So if Epona HAD run into trees and this behavior wasn't in, how would people feel? With a game so huge I'm not really surprised, it's sort of a necessity to make transportation as convenient as possible. It's... nothing really nothing exciting (Can it be considered a feature?).
(12-06-2014, 05:49 PM)Gwen Wrote: [ -> ]the nice as fuck on horse combat
While you're waiting and automatically transported to your destination for 8 minutes while 'on rails', you can now turn shoot things! Nice as fuck!
Very practical...
I dunno, it's great but I felt more like I was just sight seeing in this. I think I'll wait for stuff like dungeons, mission events, and NPCs to show up in some future preview. Not enough is known currently, even from that LONG video (in terms of gameplay previews). Why? Most of it was just "Miyamoto: SO WHERE ARE WE GONNA GO NEXT??". The build is literally probably alpha.
I'm not gonna lie, I have to agree with Kriven and Iceman here.
While it was definitely an early build and they didn't really show anything, I get the feeling of "this is TOO open world" as well.
A giant map is great, but let's consider what they showed in the video.
It was, let's say 5 minutes of footage. At the beginning they picked some random tower-looking place and went to go to it, and even got on Epona.
By the end of the video, even though they were dicking around and not running /straight/ there, they still never reached that tower. Along the way they covered a whole bunch of empty land with some trees and saw like maybe 5 enemies total once they started getting closer to the destination.
You can ooh and aah at how pretty the game is all you want but that shit is BORING.
Even with WindWaker's vast ocean (which a lot of people disliked for being too big and open), there was still more stuff happening per square foot than there was in this video.
This game seems to be at least twice as big as WindWaker meaning twice the traveling (without using warp points ofc) and twice the potential for open, barren area.
(12-06-2014, 01:10 PM)Kosheh Wrote: [ -> ]- Boot up Zelda U
- Check out where to go next
- Call Epona
- Put down Gamepad
- Make a sandwich
- Come back, and there you are at the dungeon :0)
Do you have any idea how ridiculously boring this sounds? I don't want to wait for Epona to run to a new location, I want to play the damn game.
Let's assume that you
don't get up and leave the room. Now you're just sitting there bored while nothing is happening because you're waiting to get to the next area when in a smaller game you'd have been there already.
Not to mention that "yeah, go get a sandwich, you'll get there eventually" is pretty terrible game design.
There are two common misconceptions I'm seeing in this thread:
1. The area's huge, but nowhere to explore, like the great sea.
-It's hard to tell in the scrunched video, but if you watch it zoomed in, there's a lot of places that, at least in my opinion, seem like they would be worthwhile exploring. One of the large rocks has some sort of red SOMETHING poking out of it, that is one thing that caught my eye.
2. Epona is some sort of on-rails auto-tracking function from point A to point B.
-That is inconclusive. What I gather from this trailer is the fact that Epona just won't buckle and crash into a wall or tree like an idiot anymore when you're trying to do important crap like aiming your bow. He's clearly still controlling her throughout.