You should try finishing the starters Naokiro has done some and so have you so make a project out of it or somthing.
Could you rip Seviper please?
Fighter The Echidna Wrote:Could you rip Seviper please?
Seviper was already ripped by this one guy I forgot his name.
Oh and rby could you rip the cyndiquil family when your not busy cause I want it for my comic and your on eof the best rippers Ive seen.
Aceh Wrote:Fighter The Echidna Wrote:Could you rip Seviper please?
Seviper was already ripped by this one guy I forgot his name.
Oh and rby could you rip the cyndiquil family when your not busy cause I want it for my comic and your on eof the best rippers Ive seen.
Cyndaquil is already on his request list.
I know it has been but if he could speed it up on the list.
Aceh Wrote:I know it has been but if he could speed it up on the list.
The more you ask, the more he can wait to do it. He doesn't have to rip these sprites you know :/
I havent seen Sevipers sheet, could you PM me a link to the sheet please?
Starly, Staravia, Staraptor and Mystifying Forest tiles added 7/16:
![[Image: mystifyingforesttileseticon.png]](
Aceh Wrote:Finneon and Lumeon have been ripped already
Finneon and Lumineon were ripped, but the sheet is missing some of the sprites in attack and special attack, and the sprites are darker.
Finneon and Lumineon added 7/17:
![[Image: finneonandlumineon.png]](
can u do the gardevoir family.
I have a topic for my Agitated Boar Sprite Sheet.
I would like to add my sheet to Mother 3 under the catergory "Enemies"