I did Finneon and Lumineon earlier(The 11th).
I'm doing Aron's family next, so I hope you don't have any plans to do them.I'm starting on Aron today
Catcatcat Wrote:I did Finneon and Lumineon earlier(The 11th).
I'm doing Aron's family next, so I hope you don't have any plans to do them.I'm starting on Aron today
His is more complete than yours..
Catcatcat Wrote:I'm doing Aron's family next, so I hope you don't have any plans to do them.I'm starting on Aron today
You can rip any of the sheets, but just saying I'm going to be ripping the rest of the 4th generation families and then my requests and a small list of pokemon families that I thought of to rip.

Mime Jr. and Mr. Mime added 7/18:
![[Image: mimejrandmrmime.png]](http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk175/redblueyellows/mimejrandmrmime.png)
I Must Say you are doing a very good job at riping the sprites

Definitely. Excellent job.
Strange. I thought Combee and Vespiquen were already ripped. Must've gotten that confused with recruiting both of them in my game.
Now, however, it turns out that my DS broke at a baseball game, so now I'm back to the good old days of Pokemon Crystal. It's fuuun =D
Combee and Vespiquen added 7/21:
![[Image: combeeandvespiquenjk4.png]](http://img258.imageshack.us/img258/4388/combeeandvespiquenjk4.png)
Dazz Wrote:Woo!
Thanks Dazz.
Togepi, Togetic and Togekiss added 7/22:
![[Image: togepitogeticandtogekiss.png]](http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk175/redblueyellows/togepitogeticandtogekiss.png)
Wow..You should be rewarded, taking time to rip the attack states,
in all directions, U R AWSOME!!!
Snover, Abomasnow, Ralts, Kirlia, Gardevior and Gallade added 7/24:
![[Image: snoverandabomasnowicon.png]](http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk175/redblueyellows/snoverandabomasnowicon.png)
I'm really sorry that I didn't update yesterday, but I couldn't get on the site.

Porygon, Porygon 2 and Porygon Z added 7/25:
All of the 4th generation pokemon are ripped!