In any case, fantastic rips - and I hope school works out well for you. Remember, school is more important.
The Mother 3 Enemies are cool! How many enemies are left?
As for how many enemies are left - There really can't be that many, I have a huge number waiting to go online.
Thanks everyone.

There are about 30 more enemies left (about 12 which I have already ripped but need to organize), so there aren't that many left. The main ones that are missing are the ones that are hard to find and the bosses.
Is there really such a difference in sprites compared to PMD 1 and PMD 2?
(09-16-2008, 04:10 PM)Blob55 Wrote: [ -> ]Is there really such a difference in sprites compared to PMD 1 and PMD 2?
Well (Not meaning to be captain obvious) PMD1 didn't have 4th gen Pokemon and PMD2 fixes up the palletes that the original messed up, like the Cyndaquil and Bulbasaur lines.
He'll rip whatever he wants to, hell get back to pokemon when he feels like it :/
Blue Flame, cut it out. He's not your personal servant.