Hello, I'm new here. I've been trying to put custom music in FF4: the Complete Collection but I'm having trouble extracting Pac1.bin.I've been trying to find a tool to extract Pac1.bin but I have had no luck finding a tool. I'm a complete noob when it comes to extracting games in general so a step by step process would be very appreciative

First off, welcome to the Resource
You can unpack PAC1.bin using
Vash's unpack tool. PAC0.bin needs to be in the same directory as that holds the file names and such.
Once you've unpacked, the audio files will be AT3 files. I haven't tested it but with luck you should be able to convert them using
To make AT3 files yourself, I think
this tutorial should work. If not you can maybe find some other methods for it elsewhere.
And to repack the files, use
Vash's repacking tool.
I haven't tested any of this myself, but give it a shot yourself.
(I should probably give credit to
this page by the way, for links to the un/repacking tools and other info.)
By the way, since this is about audio, could someone please move this to Ripping Help of the TSoR section?
Thank you for the reply, but the link for Vash's tools seems to be deleted.
My mistake, those were broken links. I've fixed the links to new ones that I found.
hmm.. i keep on getting stuck on the loading screen
The loading screen for what?
when I boot the game, the screen wont move past the loading screen
this is how the directory looks like when i use the unpac tool : PSP_GAME>USRDIR>PAC
Oh right, you mean when you repack it with your own music. Well yeah, that must mean that it's failing to load your music properly.
Not sure what would be the problem, but it's possible that it doesn't allow the file to be bigger than it was initially. Are you replacing a song, and if so, is it with the same filename and a smaller size?
Well when I replace the song, I did do the exact name file, however, my replacement song is not shorter than the original song. Is there a limitation to how long the songs are supposed to be? Do I have to edit the replacement song exactly aslong as the original song?
ugh, it seems like editing the music files in any way causes the boot up to the screen to stay forever
I would assume that as long as it has the same name, is shorter, and the same format, then it should work. It's possible that it just won't work though, which is unfortunate.