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Should we have a discussion about having discussions now?
Maybe I'm reading into it too much, like you've said, but I'm replaying it recently on the Wii U and I still get all these vibes. Without a doubt Giygas is manipulating peopele's minds (although not so sure about the animals, at least not all of them. I always got the impression that the dogs were literally rabid), but I feel like he's only able to do so because their minds were either vacant or dark to begin with.
Games Leading to Discussion: I think a lot of games can lead to discussion, but it seems like generally the kind of discussion most games lead to is more routed in surface level stuff or game design. There's a lot of talking about graphics, sound, programming, business, but a lot less into dissecting the themes the game's present in their narrative. I'm not saying that's not out there, I think you (at least, Koopaul) know I know there are places and people who discuss those elements day and night. But I also feel like the Mother franchise is more likely to provoke that kind of critical thought in more people than is, say, New Super Mario Bros.
(01-15-2015, 07:08 AM)Koopaul Wrote: [ -> ]Hm you can have a discussion about most games nowadays. In fact we're on a forums, discussion was innevitable haha!
Ah you know what I mean. Most game discussions are just about opinions about how good or bad the game is or the game itself (design, music etc). Very few games make you question the story, characters, themes or messages. The Last of Us was a great game, but apart from the ending it didn't really give much to think about. There's not enough games that make you think. MGS: Peace Walker in my opinion was a great game which provoked a lot of thought.
Anyway, probably going waaaaay off topic here. My point is/was (about a page or so ago) is that Nintendo obviously has the ability to make thought provoking games yet sadly doesn't do so. Metroid Other M wasn't a bad game but it was definitely a massive wasted opportunity when it came to adding depth to Samus. Team Ninja + Dialogue, well it just wasn't the best of ideas? If it was just a nice action game it would have probably been more enjoyable.
I still enjoy jumping on Goombas and saving Hyrule while saying absolutely nothing to nobody but it would be nice to have something more. I'm not saying replace them, that would be dumb (though Zelda really really needs spoken dialogue). But a spin-off which has a bit more substance would be something I'd love to see. I still think Metroid has the most potential here because of her tragic past etc - there's more to explore.
Anyway, probably best to get back on topic. Game I didn't like one bit: Pokemon X/Y - yeah I said it.
Oh by the way, I don't like Yoshi's Island.
I don't really like Yoshi as a character regardless (should have stayed as a rideable item) but outside of its graphics I think Yoshi's Island is a pretty overrated game.
The GBA version is slightly better than the SNES original, though.
YIDS is also bad but it's just a bad game regardless.
Haven't played Yoshi's Story yet so no comment on that one.
(01-21-2015, 12:22 PM)Vipershark Wrote: [ -> ]Oh by the way, I don't like Yoshi's Island.
I don't really like Yoshi as a character regardless (should have stayed as a rideable item) but outside of its graphics I think Yoshi's Island is a pretty overrated game.
Why is that? It's always been one of my go to titles for the SNES. I'm curious as to why you feel that way, other than the dislike of green dinosaurs.
Yoshi's Story is one of my favorite games ever. So cute and charming, but it can get really creepy at the same time.
(01-02-2015, 10:55 AM)NICKtendo DS Wrote: [ -> ]I don't like Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2.
(01-03-2015, 06:39 PM)Vipershark Wrote: [ -> ]I really hate Earthbound.
A lot.
The whole series.
Also Super Metroid and Metroid Prime (all three of them) are terrible.
Mario Galaxy (both of them) is the worst of all the 3D Mario games.
(01-07-2015, 08:23 AM)Vipershark Wrote: [ -> ]Oh, The Binding of Isaac is terrible as well.
(01-11-2015, 03:50 AM)Koopaul Wrote: [ -> ]I generally hate the falling puzzle genre. But that's not about one specific game.
(01-11-2015, 06:55 PM)Vipershark Wrote: [ -> ]If you want to talk about terrible falling block puzzle games, Dr. Mario is the game for you.
(01-21-2015, 12:22 PM)Vipershark Wrote: [ -> ]Oh by the way, I don't like Yoshi's Island.
I don't really like Yoshi as a character regardless (should have stayed as a rideable item) but outside of its graphics I think Yoshi's Island is a pretty overrated game.
The GBA version is slightly better than the SNES original, though.
YIDS is also bad but it's just a bad game regardless.
Haven't played Yoshi's Story yet so no comment on that one.
hmmm, i think i might edit op to include a part about explaining why you dont/do like a game. sure, i bet people just (
don't ) like games and dont feel the need to explain why, but it sure would be cool to explain anyways, just to avoid shitstorms and stuff. :0
I specifically avoided explaining any of them so as not to start arguments, haha
"no you're wrong about x"
"you just have bad taste"
etc etc
I hesitated about the long post I made about tetris since I didn't want to start a back and forth over trying to defend the game but I figured since my post was more explaining why I think it's good than telling jermugandr that he was wrong that it was fine to post
I posted a big ol' paragraph about why I kind of dislike Dark Souls and nobody jumped down my throat. I mean this is a discussion forum after all, who cares if why you dislike a game starts some debate

It's all good.
Well it was mostly to avoid responses like this:
(01-11-2015, 09:01 PM)Gwen Wrote: [ -> ]Why in the world does this post exist?
The issue isn't so much explaining why the game is bad (this
is the unpopular opinion thread, after all) as it is the possibility of setting each other off for whatever reason since there certainly are some strong opinions about video games around here but if you guys would prefer explanations then I don't mind if it doesn't start fights, ahahaha
edit: if that wasn't direct enough, let me be clear for how this thread should be handled by everyone going forward: if someone insults a game you like, get over it
Viper, why do you always have to put me down in my place like I'm some dog that shit the floor?
It's not even like that, man.
That wasn't meant to call you out specifically at all, that was me responding to... your response to me. It just so happened that the thing in question that I was trying to avoid already happened and you happened to be the one that did it.
I'd have quoted anyone else if they'd done it instead.
It's good you were weary not to start fights Viper, and I personally would've done something similar if I didn't like a game. Like I said earlier in the thread, unpopular opinion threads are stereotypically not great and you were trying to avoid that.
But at the same time, just posting "X game is ass and I don't like it" doesn't really accomplish much in terms of discussion... You get fans asking "Huh? why? X game is awesome!" and it leaves it at that. It kind of leaves a bad taste in people's mouths, without offering reasons to calm them down on why you didn't personally enjoy that game.
So honestly, I'm not sure which is better. If you offered reasons, it would probably start an ~INTERNET ARGUEMENT~ with multiple people ganging up on you.
Such a negative way to look at it since every time somebody has explained why they dislike a game in this thread has had nothing but healthy debate or exchange of opinions so far.
Past experience, mostly.
A lot of the games that I dislike that would fit this thread happen to be games that a lot of people here like... a lot. (Such is the nature of this thread of course but it's no secret that certain franchises are more or less sacred cows around here.)
I've already talked about disliking particular tsr-popular games (in other threads) and have seen he types of responses that have come from it plenty of times in the past.
That being said though, I have no problem with talking at length about why I dislike certain games provided that it doesn't end in responses like the one I quoted above.
Thing is, would the disscussion be worth it? It's always good to look at our favorite games with a critical eye, but I'm not sure it would accomplish much here. It'd rely on super civil responses.
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