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Well, that's the point of this thread, isn't it?
To talk about games that we don't like that most other people do?
Like I said, I was avoiding going into detail if the end result was just making everyone (or particular people) angry but if I can talk about it without the thread devolving into people getting up in arms over an opinion about a Mario game then I don't mind having that discussion. (In other words, I'd like to be able to have that discussion but I'm not sure if it'll be handed all that well so I'm wary of it)
It honestly comes off as more inflammatory to me to just drop a "this sucks" and leave instead of explaining your side of things, even if it's not explained in excruciating detail. Especially the way you've been wording your posts in this thread, Viper. If someone explains why they don't like a popular game, well, then I can go "well, I can see that" and like... move on? Or reply "Ah yeah, that never really bugged me, I always thought ___ outweighed that" or whatever? If someone doesn't want to explain but just says "I didn't really like ____" like, that's cool too, they don't like a thing but at least they're nice about it, you know? However when someone comes in and says "____ was terrible" or "i hated ____, it's the worst" or "____ is super overrated" and doesn't back that vitriol with something to justify it? They kiiiiiind of just sound like a judgmental asshole or someone trying REALLY hard to bait someone into making an angry post (which is ironic, considering it seems to be what you're trying to avoid). So like... chill. Elaborate. I understand being wary about having the discussion but I can't imagine a better thread for it than this.
I mean, if it bothers you, we could always add to the OP, along with an encouragement/rule to explain your reasoning for your opinion in the thread, a caveat of "don't post while angry" or to not let people's opinions get to you personally. Although I think after having the discussion on this going for about a page, if someone irrationally flips out at you for going into detail... well they're a dumbass, imo. Which, on a similar note, Gwen's post about Dr. Mario... didn't really seem angry? At all? And if it was, it was fueled by how you didn't explain your opinion on the matter anyway, so I'm not sure how your logic really follows on that matter...
Anyway maybe I'll post about games I dislike that everyone likes tomorrow but for now I just wanted to chime in. My posts in this thread have been eaten twice by Firefox crashing so... yeah.
I don't like the Mario Galaxy games, because I don't like how the camera works. Super Mario 64 is probably the only 3D Mario platformer I like. 3D Land and 3D World were okay, they fixed most of the camera-related issues, but for the most part don't invite me to replay them. Likewise, the Galaxy games and Sunshine are done for me after one playthrough.
As far as series go, I really like the Assassin's Creed series, but unlike many folks, I never enjoyed Brotherhood. The setting was Italy again, and with Ezio which was nice, but I never felt like I was in danger when I played that game. If any situation did happen to get hairy having to just call in another group of assassins kind of took the edge away from it for me. I think the future games added this addition a bit better, since they got to develop it more, but it kind of killed my enjoyment of Brotherhood.
EDIT: (Also yeah, my Dr. Mario post wasn't an angry post haha

I've never really gotten into Assassin's Creed myself. I've played bits of it with friends before, but something about stealth gameplay just isn't my cup of tea. I'm very gung ho and love fast gameplay.
Speaking of, I am all about Warriors games. I don't get EVERY version of the series, as Dynasty Warriors almost feels like Madden in the sense so many versions come out year after year. Even if I don't buy every version, put any version of any Warriors game in front of me and I will play the hell out of it for hours on end.
I know a lot of people find the gameplay monotonous, but something about being a one-man-army is sooo satisfying to me.
(01-21-2015, 12:22 PM)Vipershark Wrote: [ -> ]Oh by the way, I don't like Yoshi's Island.
I don't really like Yoshi as a character regardless (should have stayed as a rideable item) but outside of its graphics I think Yoshi's Island is a pretty overrated game.
The GBA version is slightly better than the SNES original, though.
YIDS is also bad but it's just a bad game regardless.
Haven't played Yoshi's Story yet so no comment on that one.
Yoshi's Story is a bag of crap I'll give you that. But Yoshi's Island is like one of (if not THE) best platformers ever. Not only that but it was absolutely butchered on the GBA. I mean even if (for reasons that make my brain hurt) Yoshi's Island was a bad game - how is the GBA version better? The music was ruined (as in murdered and thrown in a dumpster and set on fire), you couldn't see anything and it had that awful "everything must be pale" Mario Advance thing going on. It just isn't the better version. That's like saying that R-Type III on the GBA is better than the SNES one. It just isn't.
When I first played Yoshi's Island I sucked at it, and it didn't really leave me with a great impression. But when I went back and played it - dear lord it was good. Like amazing. Every time a sequel is announced I curse Nintendo because it's always some crappy company making it, and it's always terrible. Every time I go back and play it I'm generally shocked at how good i tis.
Rayman Origins and Yoshi's Island are just the pinnacle of platform games. They look great, sound great and play great.
We now have on your list, Super Metroid, Yoshi's Island, Mother 3 and Mario Galaxy 2. I hate to sound like a jerk but are you just going into these games with a negative attitude because so many like them? [As the kids put it, I think, "Being a Hipster" ?] It just seems like a lot of (arguably) the BEST of each genre seems to be on your dislike list...
(01-22-2015, 06:23 PM)Goemar Wrote: [ -> ] (01-21-2015, 12:22 PM)Vipershark Wrote: [ -> ]Oh by the way, I don't like Yoshi's Island.
I don't really like Yoshi as a character regardless (should have stayed as a rideable item) but outside of its graphics I think Yoshi's Island is a pretty overrated game.
The GBA version is slightly better than the SNES original, though.
YIDS is also bad but it's just a bad game regardless.
Haven't played Yoshi's Story yet so no comment on that one.
Yoshi's Story is a bag of crap I'll give you that.
Meet me on the School Playground after class.
(01-22-2015, 06:23 PM)Goemar Wrote: [ -> ] (01-21-2015, 12:22 PM)Vipershark Wrote: [ -> ]Oh by the way, I don't like Yoshi's Island.
I don't really like Yoshi as a character regardless (should have stayed as a rideable item) but outside of its graphics I think Yoshi's Island is a pretty overrated game.
The GBA version is slightly better than the SNES original, though.
YIDS is also bad but it's just a bad game regardless.
Haven't played Yoshi's Story yet so no comment on that one.
I hate to sound like a jerk but are you just going into these games with a negative attitude because so many like them? [As the kids put it, I think, "Being a Hipster" ?] It just seems like a lot of (arguably) the BEST of each genre seems to be on your dislike list...
Yeah Viper, why don't you just play OoT and FF7 like the rest of us?
(01-22-2015, 07:32 PM)Helmo Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah Viper, why don't you just play OoT and FF7 like the rest of us?
Speaking of OoT, I think I mentioned this in the last version of the thread but not this one. It might just because just about all of my Zelda experience has been with the handheld versions, all which I loved (and to be honest I've only started playing OoT seriously on 3DS) but I'm not a huge fan of this game. Maybe I need to finish it and have the complete story to understand the awesomeness most people seem to experience from it, but I'm up to Gerudo Valley and in all honesty it's not that great.
I mean, it's OK. It's not a bad game, I have a fair amount of fun while playing it and there are bits that I enjoy. I just don't see why it's such a popular game. I've never felt an urge to play it, other than "I should probably try and finish this", and when I do I don't keep it up for very long. I took a long break at the start of the Forest Temple, then played for a while and now I've stopped again. I don't know, as I said it's not necessarily bad and I do have a moderate amount of fun when I do play it, but it just generally seems like more of a chore for me than most games do.
It was the first 3D Zelda and people have nostalgic feelings for it. I think it's pretty alright considering what it is.
The forest temple is terrible.
If I could have an entire game of Water Temple that would be great. My favorite temple.
You're right about OoT not being the pinnacle of the franchise though... that would be Majora's Mask.
yeah, i never liked oot all that much. it was slower paced than most zelda games. i also think alttp also suffers from this problem a bit, but its not all that bad.
tbh, i think The Minish Cap is a better game than both OoT and ALttP, but eh. thats just me.
I know I've probably said this in another thread before, but since it's appropriate, I'm a fan of Zelda II. The biggest factor was probably the fact that I grew up with it. I never had the original as a baseline, and Zelda II was the first game in the series I ever played. Sure, it was difficult as hell, but so was every game for me at that age for the NES, so I just cheated with Game Genie. X:
Overall, I think that the format is interesting, and with tweaking could have easily become a lot more beloved. Sadly, I doubt that any ZELDA game will go that route ever again, but there are other games that have followed in its footsteps more or less.
the aesthetic of zelda II was nice. i enjoyed it up to the second dungeon though, only because of the lack of directions. i guess i could cut it slack for being the second game in the franchise, but i still wont say that it is necessarily a "good game."
(01-22-2015, 08:40 PM)Kriven Wrote: [ -> ]If I could have an entire game of Water Temple that would be great. My favorite temple.
Uhm, do you mean the 3ds version? Because the original is so painfully slow that it's hard to enjoy the puzzles.
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