(06-14-2016, 07:34 AM)puggsoy Wrote: [ -> ]That shouldn't happen. Try opening it from the command prompt directly. To do this, go to the folder where the .exe is and right-click somewhere (not on a file) while holding down Shift, then click "Open command window here". In the prompt that comes up, type "MetalAssaultExtractor" (without quotes) and press Enter. Tell me what it comes up with, there might be an error of some sort (although it works perfectly for me and seemed to for tombmonkey).
Okay that seemed to work for me :

http://prntscr.com/bgkiqy .. then i drag the mas.cvf on file .
http://prntscr.com/bgkj5v .. okay till now . Im not familiar with all this so how can i extract it? (pressing enter gives me this)
http://prntscr.com/bgkjsz .Thanks for all your help and sorry for being noob xD
Haha, no worries. I just wanted to see if an error came up but it seems not. Do the same thing but instead type "MetalAssaultExtractor mas.cvf", again without quotes.
Hopefully that should work. Dragging it onto the .exe is supposed to do the exact same thing but it may have something to do with the way your computer is set up, not sure.
(06-15-2016, 02:36 AM)puggsoy Wrote: [ -> ]Haha, no worries. I just wanted to see if an error came up but it seems not. Do the same thing but instead type "MetalAssaultExtractor mas.cvf", again without quotes.
Hopefully that should work. Dragging it onto the .exe is supposed to do the exact same thing but it may have something to do with the way your computer is set up, not sure.
http://prntscr.com/bgl87w okay got folder with another folder in it called data. it contains one empty folder called textdata. is it normal?
You should get much more than that. I'm really not sure what could be going on to be honest.
Have you tried ThatTrueStruggle's QuickBMS script? You may have more success with that. You'll need
QuickBMS to use it.
Are you sure your mas.cvf is the same as tombmonkey's? The only explanation I can think of is that it's a different format. Could you upload it so I can take a look?
@puggsoy Since the game is out again (like NA and EU) I guess the format is a bit different for each version. (Alot more recent than aeriagame one)
I tried using your program but i got the same thing as johnis99 (I tried on the idcgames version).
Since i'd like to take a look at those files too , I wonder if you can find a way to extract this one.