I apologize for my tardiness, I only intended to take a break for the holidays but unfortunately the new year began with a death in the family and the death of a good friend. That being said, I took comfort in creativity and worked on some new custom/edits for the snes Super Punch Out series. These are first attempts with the exception of King Hippo. From left to right we have Glass Joe, Soda Popinski/Vodka Drunkenski, Kid Quick, Pizza Pasta (worst...name...ever), Great Tiger (arcade style), Don Flamenco, Von Kaiser, King Hippo (after some corrections, thanks again Ton), Piston Honda/Hondo, Iron Mike (from the Flash version of Punch Out), the player boxer from the arcade version, Mr. Dream, Mike Tyson, and Rocky Balboa. Enjoy and as always, feedback is welcome!
I'm sorry to hear that you lost not one, but two close people in your life.

I lost a grandfather a few months ago myself.
Your sprites are getting better. King Hippo still looks a tad weird due to not having much of an outline around his stomach area and the Arcade player's character having really messy hair. I know his hair looked like that in the game, but it doesn't fit the style.
(01-22-2015, 03:56 PM)SmithyGCN Wrote: [ -> ]I'm sorry to hear that you lost not one, but two close people in your life. 
I lost a grandfather a few months ago myself.
Your sprites are getting better. King Hippo still looks a tad weird due to not having much of an outline around his stomach area and the Arcade player's character having really messy hair. I know his hair looked like that in the game, but it doesn't fit the style.
I am sorry to hear of the passing of your grandfather, my sincere condolences to you and your family.
Thank you for your feedback, I went back and re-worked the Arcade player's hair and went with his Super Punch Out (Arcade) hairstyle, I have posted them side by side for comparison. King Hippo on the other hand is turning out to be a trial and error correction, fix one thing and something else looks weird, but without challenge there is no improvement.
Oh yeah, I remember you working on this. Not many people work with the Super Punch-Out style so I'm glad to see you're still doing it.
Here I have taken 2 different paths with King Hippo, they both have things I like and things that bug the crap out of me. I seem to have difficulty with his body style but I am determined overcome this and keep working to get it right. That is of course after I edit because because I am a blockhead and messed up uploading the images.....oy.
I prefer the one on the right because it make his stomach look rounder.
The second one's belly looks fatter and more natural.
Added some new stuff and refined a couple of old ones. I attempted both the NES and SNES versions of Little Mac, I feel both still need some work, and added Muhammad Ali. Enjoy and feedback is always welcome.
I would also like to say that I am enjoying seeing everyone's work on here. All of you are very talented and I have been refraining from "adding my two cents" because I feel as I have a lot to learn myself and I have not earned the right to critique others until my own skills and understanding of spriting have grown. That being said, I thank you and please keep up the good work everyone!!!