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Wario Bike is infinitely better.
Its not very fun to be the one fighting against the spamful bike
As a Ness, I've never had problem with the bikes.
It's not having problems with the bike, its that bike spam is generally unfun to fight against.
(04-08-2015, 04:39 PM)Ark Kuvis Wrote: [ -> ]Wario Bike is infinitely better.
Not really. You can chase a lot better with the Wario Bash. Wario Bike is useless against anyone thats halfway decent. Also Wario Land > Wario Ware
(04-08-2015, 05:09 PM)Iceman404 Wrote: [ -> ]Its not very fun to be the one fighting against the spamful bike
git gud then, scrub. :^ )
(04-08-2015, 06:24 PM)Sportoise Wrote: [ -> ]Also Wario Land > Wario Ware
nice b8, m8.
(can that be the next Game vs Game I will defend the hell out of Wario Ware's honour,)
They both lose to Wario World, so...
Let's get a fourth party in on the side of Wario's Woods or something here.
And here comes Wario: Master of Disguise, beating out the other three.
(04-08-2015, 08:10 PM)Ark Kuvis Wrote: [ -> ]Let's get a fourth party in on the side of Wario's Woods or something here.
Well now I'm conflicted.
Only more reason to add Captain Toad to Smash Bros

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