Hello, CoatRack here. I am a spriter that is looking to refine his skills, I have done some past sprite work but am desperately lacking in true refinement of the talent. I am hoping to learn a lot from you guys here, and share some help to others myself when I get skilled enough.
Welcome! We'll help you in any way we can~
Welcome to the Resource! Y'know, I've never noticed before, but I just realised that we have a serious deficiency of coat racks here, so good to have you around
But yeah, hopefully the awesome sprite masters here can help you refine your skills. Enjoy your stay!
I dont wear coats so beat it.
Just kiddn. Wello and Helcome! Hope you enjoy your stay!

Phew, it's about time someone took up the Community Coat Rack request. I appreciate you accepting the job offer and can't wait to use your services.
And welcome to the forums and stuff.
And I'm Charybdizs, the person who told CoatRack to join here to work on making his spriting better. Then I realized I've been lurking here on and off for years and apparently don't have an account. Weird, I could have sworn I made a post or two before, several years back.
I'm not much of a spriter, but I do some texturing now and then. I do other gamedev related stuff though, and I'm familiar with some of the members here. Pleased to meet the rest of ya~
I wasn't expecting you to pop up along side that other guy.
Welcome to this forum!
(03-18-2015, 03:31 PM)Charybdizs Wrote: [ -> ]And I'm Charybdizs, the person who told CoatRack to join here to work on making his spriting better. Then I realized I've been lurking here on and off for years and apparently don't have an account. Weird, I could have sworn I made a post or two before, several years back.
I'm not much of a spriter, but I do some texturing now and then. I do other gamedev related stuff though, and I'm familiar with some of the members here. Pleased to meet the rest of ya~
Phew, it's about time someone took up the Community Charybdizs request. I appreciate you accepting the job offer and can't wait to use your services.
And welcome to the forums, as well. :>