Why do you love the idea of games in general? What is it about them, the concept, that attracts you to them?
For one, the fact winning and losing aren't a problem. In real life, an F on a test can mean trouble soon in your life, where as a game doesn't pressure you to do good because you have to but because you want to.
List different things you love about games.
Whats not to love! Amazing worlds! You can kill as many things as you want an can't get in trouble, you actually get points!
(10-20-2008, 03:20 PM)LilGrim1991 Wrote: [ -> ]For one, the fact winning and losing aren't a problem.
I wish that were true. If not just for the 1337HAXSTARCRAFTQUAKE PRO GAMER, then for my bruised sense of pride when I lose to Lex at Brawl for the 500th time in a row. I play too many games considering I'm terrible at most.
I don't really 'love' anything about games, now that you've forced me to think about it. It's a good alternative to mental stagnation when a book won't do.
(10-20-2008, 03:24 PM)sky_blue_wiggler Wrote: [ -> ]You can kill as many things as you want an can't get in trouble, you actually get points!
That sentiment is awful and you should feel awful.
You know, gaming is a great way to test your skills in many levels (such as reflex, puzzle-solving) and also a good escape from real world's stress and blow things up or beat the crap out of something. I'm not violent IRL, but in some games violence is just a tool, in others are just fun as hell (like House of the Dead or fighting games)
I also like the story, I think it's more like watching a movie, cartoon or any tv series, but with a cool story and you actually make it happens.
The designs are cool too. I enjoy to see the outfits, the creatures, the places.... To check out every detail or texture.
(10-20-2008, 04:12 PM)GrooveMan.exe Wrote: [ -> ]I don't really 'love' anything about games, now that you've forced me to think about it. It's a good alternative to mental stagnation when a book won't do.
if this isn't your answer you probably shouldn't be playing video games
video games are way better than movies and books
i find that they're a better learning tool in general because people can actually stay attentive to it
I love games but I despise gamers. Games are fun and great for relaxing, and gamers try to take it way by making it a competition. I don't care which console is better, what graphics are superior, or what games are 'hardcore'. I wanna play some games.
I view gaming as an artform, personally. I play games for the same reason I watch movies, entertainment - and in some cases like Ico and SOTC, simply for an experience unrivaled and unlike any other.
(10-20-2008, 04:12 PM)GrooveMan.exe Wrote: [ -> ] (10-20-2008, 03:24 PM)sky_blue_wiggler Wrote: [ -> ]You can kill as many things as you want an can't get in trouble, you actually get points!
That sentiment is awful and you should feel awful.
no he shouldn't. that was a good point, imo. Killing virtual things can be fun and "relieve stress"

(10-20-2008, 03:24 PM)sky_blue_wiggler Wrote: [ -> ]You can kill as many things as you want an can't get in trouble, you actually get points!
Quote:That sentiment is awful and you should feel awful.
What's wrong with killing something that isn't real?
On topic, I love how games are also a form of art, makes it more fun fun fun, and appealing.
I'm pretty sure he was making a joke guys.
Escapism generally, not necessarily being able to kill people without consequence, I love getting absorbed in a game and forgetting everything else.
(10-20-2008, 08:22 PM)Richie Wrote: [ -> ]I love getting absorbed in a game and forgetting everything else.
This is fun.
(10-20-2008, 07:09 PM)mozzy Wrote: [ -> ]Making them is most fun.
quoted for the truth.