Hmm, im still not able to make it work with jpg. Tried with the button "Import Image Sequence" and with drag n drop, with a few images and a lot, without success. Works fine with png.
Ok, that's really strange. Could you send me some of the JPEGs in question so I can take a look? It could be anything from a different JPEG format to me not including libraries properly...
Sorry for the delay, here are some example:
Ah, I should have googled first. My bad.
The download has been updated with a new subfolder that contains the necessary DLLs, or you can download them separately here:
Just stick this "imageformats" subfolder inside the ZIP in the same folder as SpriteSheeter.exe is in and that should work. If not, let me know and I can continue scratching my head in confusion.

Would it be possible to allow to import an animated gif as a sequence?
I want to sheet stuff using infinity engine explorer (Baldur's Gate, Planescape: Torment, Icewind Dale) and the program only has the function to export to animated gif (or one frame at a time with no regards of axis position).
To sheet this stuff I need to split the gif into individual frames in gifcutter or something and then sheet the result, would be much much faster if I could just import the gif, since each character has around 80 animations.
Suggestion: Would it be possible to add in a feature to make Sprite with different sized boxes animate properly?
Something like, "Resize boxes to largest Sprite size in the group", if that makes any sense.
(12-04-2015, 11:10 AM)eureka Wrote: [ -> ]Suggestion: Would it be possible to add in a feature to make Sprite with different sized boxes animate properly?
Something like, "Resize boxes to largest Sprite size in the group", if that makes any sense.
It's the third button below the preview, "Balance/Resize Animation..."
Notice that if your sprites come from an atlas and when you extracted them you didn't account for the trimmed space, then the sheeter has no way of knowing the axis of each frame, and so it has no way to properly place the frames so the animation would play properly.
(12-04-2015, 02:00 PM)tombmonkey Wrote: [ -> ]Notice that if your sprites come from an atlas and when you extracted them you didn't account for the trimmed space, then the sheeter has no way of knowing the axis of each frame, and so it has no way to properly place the frames so the animation would play properly.
Is there any way to make the sheeter know the axis of each frame? Because I tried using the balance/resize animation button and while it seemed to help a lot, it didn't quite work.
Speaking of that button...Daxar, I've been having a lot of issues with it. It seems using the Balance/Resize animation button causes SpriteSheeter to crash if used too much. I know for a fact it couldn't have been due to a large amount of sprites.
Also, I would like to request a way to organize sprites better for creating sheets for backgrounds and the objects in them. My attempt to do so resulted in this:
As you can see, it doesn't look very pretty. There's a lot of space that could be filled in, especially in the second row. Unfortunately, there's no way to add sprites to an existing row. Would it be possible to add a feature to do that?
You should organize backgrounds manually. If they have animated elements sheet those with the sheeter, then composite somewhere else. The other way you could do it is strategically renaming files so they appear in the order you want them in the rows.
I have extensively used the balance/resize animation and it has never crashed, when it crashes does an error message pop up?
Also, no, there's no way for the sheeter to know the axis of individual frames, this is usually stored in a .plist or .json file.
I heard that a way to be able to nudge individual frames around was in the to-do list, which is something that may help you if you don't have the atlas file.
I hope my question is not stupid,
Is there a possibility a number of sprites in a line to accommodate?
If so, then I can not find it, if someone can help me?
Whoops, it looks like I picked a busy couple of weeks to go afk.
(12-04-2015, 03:16 AM)tombmonkey Wrote: [ -> ]Would it be possible to allow to import an animated gif as a sequence?
I figured this would come up when I added the gif export. XD I'll look into it.
(12-05-2015, 05:58 PM)Monobrobe Wrote: [ -> ]It seems using the Balance/Resize animation button causes SpriteSheeter to crash if used too much.
Weird; I haven't personally run into anything like that, but there's always a possibility I messed something up. At the very least I'll add some debugging code around there to see if I can pinpoint the problem if it happens again for you.
(12-05-2015, 06:25 PM)tombmonkey Wrote: [ -> ]I heard that a way to be able to nudge individual frames around was in the to-do list, which is something that may help you if you don't have the atlas file.
Do you mean moving individual frames up/down/left/right by a few pixels at a time to try to manually balance them? Because that's not currently on the TODO list, but that's a good idea. I'll add it.
(12-06-2015, 01:32 PM)sutinoer Wrote: [ -> ]I hope my question is not stupid,
Is there a possibility a number of sprites in a line to accommodate?
If so, then I can not find it, if someone can help me?
I'm not completely certain what you're asking. Do you mean moving individual frames around in a line? Because that's been on my TODO list for a while; I just haven't gotten to it yet. Or do you mean changing how many frames are on a line? For that, you can click and drag the blue line on the right side of the sheet, or you can change the "Maximum sheet width" spinbox.
New version 0.8:
- Added click-and-drag support for moving frames around on the sheet (Finally! You can also drag to the bottom of the sheet to create new animations)
- Added support for importing .GIF animations (either drag-and-drop into the program, or import image as animation sheet)
- Performance improvements when highlighting frames
- Added some debug logging around animation balancing (I couldn't find anything that looked out of the ordinary, but if it crashes send me your debug.log in the same folder as the exe)
Other suggestions are on the TODO list, I just figured I'd update now since I'll be gone the next day or two.
Update is pretty awesome! Though I'm having a pretty big issue - when hovering over any sprite, it will dip down and cause a weird glitch on the graphic. It'll shift down a bit and leave a trace of where it goes and where it was. It doesn't appear when exporting the sheet, only in the application. But it can make it hard to see what's going on.
![[Image: 820bff662b.png]](
I noticed the same thing when I just tested it for myself recently. I definitely don't remember that happening with the previous revisions.
Another issue I've come across is that for some reason images aren't loaded in alphabetical order? Not sure why, but the order gets mixed up sometimes.