Will look into these, thanks! Do you have a .sheet of the image you linked, Dazz? Dunno if this is just how my drawing code works with your pc or if I missed something obvious.
I've worked out that this error doesn't appear if folder names are enabled. So that's probably somewhere to start - it should be replicated by just making any new sheet and disabling the folder names.
Ah, yeah. I dun goofed there. That was an easy fix.
What method specifically did you use for importing files where there weren't arranged alphabetically properly afterward?
I worked out that one too. It was numerical files, they were technically arranged in the right order, is it was 1, 2, 3... 10, 11, 12 and not 01, 02, 03,... 10, 11, 12
I have a question: I haven't been keeping up with this thread so excuse any likely ignorance but if I needed to use this program to arrange a set of sprites (they all have the same dimensions and use transparency) into whole rows (I want them to be in colored boxes; SPIN doesn't seem to want to keep them in whole rows) would it work okay? I scrolled up a bit and saw Dazz found an issue with the program and I didn't know if it was uhh... I guess more or less ready to go? Though I guess I should be testing it to find that out but I suppose I'm just wondering if there are still any issues I should look out for.
That's exactly the purpose MJ, and it's more than ready to roll. If you look at any of my recent submissions, I use it. UnderFail has also been using it on the UnderTale section.
The recent issue is just a drawing fail on my part when it comes to viewing the image in the program; exporting images should still be 100% fine. Everything else on my TODO list is minor bugs and feature requests.
Speaking of drawing fails, I probably should upload the fixed version:
Okay so I started testing this out and I gotta say it's pretty awesome.
Though one feature I'd like to see if possible or if it's already in the works is:
See those last two frames on the top row? It'd be really cool if I could independently adjust the spacing between two frames in the same row (and also be able to put a label starting from above a certain frame) as to separate them from the walk cycle but also to show they're related to it (and that they're not really worth putting on their own row, IMO).
Another thing that I'm unsure if it's a bug or I'm just doing it wrong, but when I pull the blue bar out (or adjust the value at the bottom) to stretch the sheet, it doesn't visibly expand. The size increases and the width value reflects that, but it's like it does it invisibly. It'd be nice to actually see the sheet/background color get wider.
One more thing is that I downloaded the latest version you posted, but I think I still saw the little visual error that Dazz was having. I don't know if I can recall exactly what I did leading up to its occurrence, but it went away on its own so I guess it's fine??
Anyway hope that all makes sense, I know you've already got stuff to do but just thought I'd through those thoughts into the pan. @^@
The width thing is because it's a "maximum" width, not a set width. It'll retract to the edge of the longest row so that it doesn't include a bunch of overhang that's just empty space.
Well, you could always do what I do and manually reposition things after the sheet has been made.

Yea, that's what I would do if it's not possible to play with it in the program.
I hope my posts in here haven't been pointless.
EDIT: Also I found an actual error?
See that red bar between those frames? That appears when I drag frames from one place to another (it's usually blue while dragging but turns red like the row highlight color sometimes). I know it's supposed to be a row mark of sorts but it's not positioned correctly it seems.
I'll take a look and see if I can find what's causing the red mark. I probably just forgot something obvious again.
The maximum width, as Dazz said, is just for making long animations span multiple rows. The goal was to make the output sheets as small as possible, so adding whitespace would kiinda be defeating the point, at least imo. I'll think about it.
adding multiple animations/names per row would actually be a lot harder than it sounds just because of the way I set up the program. Nothing really great for a UI for such an addition comes immediately to mind, either. I personally just put such related frames on a separate line right after, but I realize this is a personal preference thing, & saving vertical whitespace is good too.
I dunno. I guess the original intention of the program was to make something simple to use that you could just throw images into and create a decent sheet, and if you want to add watermarks/tweak the sheets later you can fire up GIMP/Photoshop/Paint.net/whatever as normal afterwards. Just make something good enough to upload without being too fancy. And since it's now at the point where this is doable, I'm not as inclined to add a whole lot more features (except batch processing; I need to get to that sometime).
Though I'm definitely open to thoughts/feedback as per the program's direction from here on out. As much as I'd love to work on it like crazy, free time is quite a limited resource at the moment.
Hmm. Could you add support for labels for sprites on non-animation sheets?
That would basically make the program flawless as far as I am concerned.
(02-05-2016, 01:56 PM)Hiccup Wrote: [ -> ]Could you add support for labels for sprites on non-animation sheets?
I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean. Do you mean adding labels for individual sprite frames? Because I addressed that above.
Thanks again for your software, it save us a lot of times!
Since i mostly uses Sprite sheeter when i have a large batch of png, theres 2 little things that you could add, if you have the time, that could be super helpful: a way to reverse the order of an animation and to remove duplicates. These 2 happens all the times for me.
Also, you should make an official thread, in the "Ripping Help", explaining your software with an obvious download link, it will get stickied in a second. People need to know about this!