The VG Resource

Full Version: Wait, who's Weegeesquare?
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Hello there VG Resource!

I've had this account forever and have never updated it at all, but I decided to use it once again.

About me:

I'm a HUGE Freedom Planet fan! Go Team Lilac! (and Spade)

I also know a bit about GML.

And I really don't know that much else about myself (pathetic, I know).

Once again, hello.
(Now I seem akward)


oh boy

welcome o/
Welcome Weegeesquare to the VGResource! We hope to see your vibrant energy everywhere as long as it complies to the rules! Wink
Welcome to the Resource Weegeesquare! Studies show that the average human knows 60% less about themselves than most other humans*, so you're not alone. Enjoy your stay Smile

*this isn't actually true and probably doesn't even make sense but my point is don't worry about it