(01-05-2017, 09:19 PM)Daxar Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks!
I'll have to take a closer look at those ui_frontend files, then. Could be that they're actually blank, but maybe they're an edge case in the format that I haven't seen yet. Come to think of it, there were some blank frames/files that I saw that I just assumed were intentionally blank... I definitely should double-check that.
Feel free to use the program/sprites for whatever! I made it to share.
If you want a description of the file format or how the files are set up or anything, let me know. I will say that direct-linking to the program probably isn't the best idea, since Dropbox is saying they're dropping public folder support soon and I'll likely have to change the links. I'll have to start setting up GitHub releases I guess. Mirroring the program is fine, but I may update it in the future.
There's quite a lot of unused/leftover sprites in this game, yeah. There's generally a few unused images in WayForward games, but this definitely set a new precedent.
Audio formats are a gigantic gap in my knowledge, I'm afraid. The OST is free over here, though: https://virt.bandcamp.com/album/shantae-...e-hero-ost I've been jamming to it a lot recently.
Probably, the files on ui_frontend were just an example, there are some other files that just gives me a 1x1 red dot, but I don't know if those are just placeholders.
Alright, thanks a lot. I don't know, I just feel a bit bad using these programs (which I haven't even made them) without asking the authors for what will be used. Goes for unused content or to upload stuff here, sounds, textures or sprites.
Description of the file format? Honestly, I don't know how those programs work (or how to code it), so I'm probably newbie at this, but appreciated.
I was going to mess around the audio files to find out unused stuff, actually. Well, when it comes to audio it's pretty difficult. The FSB program states that there's no header on it, opening on Audacity gives a noisy audio, as expected.
Also, one last thing, (spoilers marked by white text, just select it to show it up), do you know if the
Hero Mode (New Game Plus) have any new enemies or anything? I beat the main story 100% but haven't touched the other one yet. I saw, for instance, a completely drawn enemy called "enemy_big_spider", together with
the actual used one. The drawing looks a bit off, and
I haven't seen on the main mode, so I think it's unused for sure. The enemy is actually a redrawn version of one of the enemies on the DSiWare game.
Thanks again.