(06-26-2015, 08:58 AM)MrYoshbert Wrote: [ -> ]http://nintendoeverything.com/splatoon-v...next-week/
The patches are incoming.
It's nice they actually have patch notes unlike another extremely competitive game available for the Wii U.
Quote:– Inkstrike: When used, the mark that shows the impact zone has been greatly changed.
– Kraken: If attacked in the middle of using this, they will be repelled stronger than before.
Kind of a bummer though as it sounds like the Inkstrike's getting a change that just affects the UI.
They seriously need to patch those last-second Inkstrike spreads so that paint stops landing
the moment the whistle's blown (and so there's a little more counterplay to last-second Inkstrikes, so your team can actually counteract against them if needed)
I don't know if it was just the one match that I played, but I find it MUCH easier for me to get kills with the Luna Blaster than other weapons I've been using. Something about slower, but heavier hits resonates well with me.
I'll play another game later and watch my ass get kicked xD
Ink resistance is getting nerfed? Maaaaan
So Splatfest has being going on. Played an hour of it, and only had one win as due to my other team mates being a bit noobish.
Complete with one round with me being the only gun player while the rest of the team used paint rollers.
Me being on Team Rock, while Team Pop kicked our asses. I wonder how Cats and Dogs are doing.
Splatfest has been mostly fun for me. I ended up with my highest winstreak yet

(it was 15, I don't play often)
But there were a few matches where it was a team of 4 vs 1. I was the one sometimes. That wasn't fun.
Why can matches start that way? Logic please
Oh yeah. Splatfest. C:
I played all the way up until Cat King rank. It took me like 4 hours, augh @__@
in the States,
In terms of popularity, 38% of people picked Team Cat and 62% picked Team Dog
Cats won 51% and dogs 49%.
Dogs won Splatfest, 160-140. Wow wtf, how did popularity decide Splatfest? :/ as one person in the plaza put it,
Quote:popularity dosent equal skill,
popularety shouldent equal sucsess
(07-04-2015, 10:07 PM)Dolphman Wrote: [ -> ]So Splatfest has being going on. Played an hour of it, and only had one win as due to my other team mates being a bit noobish.
Complete with one round with me being the only gun player while the rest of the team used paint rollers. 
Me being on Team Rock, while Team Pop kicked our asses. I wonder how Cats and Dogs are doing.
Man, the day I decide to go and buy the game, that's when Splatfest's going on. How's that for timing?
But yeah, popped the disc in and decided to get in on the action. Rockers United. Went in the lobby. Spent Byakuren knows how long on that Squid Jump minigame between matches.
And then the battles themselves. Considering that I've just got into this and I'm still trying to get some sort of mojo going, you can imagine how well those went.
I just met Star Power (Sean) in an online match :o
Our team lost, but I got best and he got second best on the team, so yay.
Never thought I'd see anyone I knew there lol
(07-05-2015, 04:14 PM)Ploaj Wrote: [ -> ]I just met Star Power (Sean) in an online match :o
Our team lost, but I got best and he got second best on the team, so yay.
Never thought I'd see anyone I knew there lol
That's My Sean
yeah I play with him too from time to time and hes pretty darn good
(we should probably play at some point too)
Wish I could play with him, too (or anyone for that matter), but for some reason, my family is unable to hook up our Wii U to the web. I don't know why that is, but I think has something to do with the less than optimal internet service in the Netherlands. *Shrugs*
(07-05-2015, 06:34 PM)E-Man Wrote: [ -> ]Wish I could play with him, too (or anyone for that matter), but for some reason, my family is unable to hook up our Wii U to the web. I don't know why that is, but I think has something to do with the less than optimal internet service in the Netherlands. *Shrugs*
It's...not that tough? You just need a wireless router in order to do it and to set the settings on the Wii U to "understand" the encryption on your router. Like if it's WPA-PSK (the common one here in the States), you'll usually just give your internet connection a name you can search for it with, and a password. Chances are you don't plug in your MacBook directly in with an Ethernet cable - so it probably just uses that same information to do so.
If it's an issue of the signal not being able to "reach" to the other side of your parents' lavish estate, you can always set up a system of wireless "repeaters" throughout the house using old routers you could pick up from like, yardsales for $5~10 each (though honestly, for a regular house, you'd need one router at most, two if your walls are shit but assuming you have a stupid large, multimillion-dollar house [like your dad is the patent holder for Ziploc bags], maybe more like 5)
...actually, I'd say that'd make a
wonderful father/son techie project if you're eager to learn how to do it.
Had some amazing rounds yesterday, mostly thanks to the Luna Blaster. I feel like the gun is underrated, I see most people preferring the more rapid fire guns.
A strategy that has become kind of funny is camping a corner in Splat Zones maps that have walls around the zone where someone has to go around one side to get into it. For some reason people aren't keeping any distance on the approach, so I hide in ink, pop them with one to two bubbles point blank, and then have a mine laid for extra insurance.
Finally have a full set of Three Star gear, too. Can't wait to unlock even more weapons, some of the later stuff looks awesome.
Anyone else really loving Tower Control mode? Those matches get pretty intense, and I enjoy every second of it.
↓ Holy hell, I'm trying that next time.
A tip for Tower Control mode that most teammates tend to ignore even though it should have been obvious: enemy ink slows down the tower, and friendly speeds it up. Make and break paths, people.
Muh K/D tho.
*tips fedora*